IRAN: Nuclear stockpile increases while talks continue


The Iranian regime has increased its stockpile of nuclear fuel by around 20 per cent during the negotiations with six world powers, according to the latest report by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The fuel stocks have grown by roughly 20 percent over the past 18 months and have not been “frozen” during that period.

US officials had argued that the Iranian regime’s uranium enrichment program was effectively frozen after an interim agreement in November 2013.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Tuesday that the IAEA findings are “merely a snapshot in time,” and U.S. officials remain confident that Iran is working to shrink its stockpile under terms agreed to in the preliminary deal reached with Washington and other world powers in April.

A key aspect of the nuclear talks between the Iranian regime and the six world powers is the regime’s promise to reduce its stockpile of low-enriched uranium from roughly 10,000 kilograms down to 300 kilograms. But that reduction has yet to occur, according to the IAEA report issued late last week.

A series of reports published by IAEA on the Tehran’s nuclear program shows that the Iranian regime’s production of enriched uranium has been increasing and has beeen continuing to rise since the nuclear talks began in early 2014.

The chart below published by Center for Security Policy shows such rise prior to 2015.

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