Iran-Nuclear: Mullahs’ nuclear file must be referred to Security Council – Norwegian parliamenta

NCRI – New aspects of the Iranian regime’s nuclear program was disclosed in a press conference in Oslo on Thursday.

Parviz Khazai, representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in Nordic countries, presented new documents and pictures of the clerical regime’s nuclear activities in Iran and explained about terrorist threats posed by nuclear mullahs.
NCRI representative underscored the reliability of the information provided by the Iranian Resistance on the nuclear projects in Iran whose authenticity have been proven by independent international bodies as well as intelligence reports.
Khazai emphasized that it was time to end the policy of appeasement in light of its obvious failure following Ahmadinejad’s appointment as the mullahs’ president and called for referral of the regime’s nuclear file to the UN Security Council.
Next speaker, Morten Høglund, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Norwegian Parliament, called for a firm policy against the clerical regime if an inevitable war should be avoided. He referred to the past experience of dealing with the regime and reiterated that nothing will be gained by engaging the regime and it would only give the mullahs ample time to complete their nuclear weapons program.
Former member of the Norwegian Parliament, Ingvald Godal, followed the debate by congratulating Mohammed ElBaradei for the Nobel Peace Prize but at the same time urged him to take a firm stance against the regime. He cautioned that nuclear bomb in the hands of a religious, terrorist regime like the mullahs would be a catastrophe for the whole world.
Lars Rise, former member of the Norwegian Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee and a board member of the “No to Nuclear Norway,” movement noted that the world only found out about the Iranian regime’s secret nuclear programs through the Iranian Resistance and if it was not for their revelations, the world would have been in a much more vulnerable state. He stressed that the regime poses a serious threat to the world peace and security, particularly after Ahmadinejad’s appointment as the clerical regime’s president.
Rise pointed out that in the past three months enrichment of uranium has been resumed and the Iranian regime has violated its commitments to the international community. There is no point to continue a policy of appeasement with the regime. This policy has been a total failure.
The last speaker was Bjorn Jacobsen, a member of the Norwegian Parliament’s Defense Commottee. He stressed that the world does not need nuclear weapons, specially in the hands of the clerical regime in Iran. He joined others in calling for referral of the regime to the UN Security Council. He also regretted that the revolution in Iran was high-jacked by repressive mullahs in that country.

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