Iran-Nuclear: Mullahs leader determined to complete Tehran’s nuclear weapons program – Mohaddessin

NCRI, November 11 – “The world cannot remain complacent in the face of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. It is the historical and ethical obligation of all democratic nations today to reject appeasement, and join to support the Iranian Resistance movement in order to prevent war and catastrophe in that troubled part of the world,” said Mohammad Mohaddessin, chair of the NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee in a conference at the European Parliament on November 9.
The following is the full text of his remarks at the conference:
On Monday, tens of thousands of people from Iranian communities in Europe  joined together outside the EU headquarters in Brussels, to protest against the Iranian regime nuclear weapons program  and to call for the referral of Tehran to the UN Security Council
If I were to summarize my presentation in one sentence, I would say the world must be listening to that message. Because by ensuring the election of a Revolutionary Guards Commander as President, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is determined to pursue and complete Tehran’s nuclear weapons program full blast. If not impeded, Tehran would have the bomb in two or three year’s time. They are preparing every thing to reach this point.
National Council of Resistance of Iran recently issued a report indicating that the Iranian regime was producing or importing all necessary parts of the bomb, including, enriched uranium, plutonium, warheads, launching system, bomb casing, trigger systems, etc.  
Tehran’s nuclear work is under the control of Revolutionary Guards and Defense Ministry and under the direct supervision of the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
The IRGC began nuclear research in 1983 and established extensive support with nuclear armed countries such as Pakistan.
At least 400 nuclear experts were transferred from the AEOI to the IRGC and the Defense Ministry.
Several garrisons and military centers and at least two universities are allocated to nuclear work.
 A very important military site is Parchin, 30 kms southeast of Tehran. The center has hundreds of buildings, workshops and laboratories. This site is working on laser enrichment, manufacture of nuclear warheads and nuclear capable long-range missiles.
Last year, we revealed the nuclear activities of this site. But the Iranian regime did not permit IAEA inspectors to visit the site. One year later they were permitted to visit the site, after the Revolutionary Guards, changed and destroyed all evidence. They deceived the inspectors and did not show them a very good part of facilities.
Nuclear warheads and launching systems are two very important projects which the Revolutionary Guards are working on. Since the Iranian regime’s Air Force is in a very feeble state, and lacks the capacity to deliver the bomb, Tehran is trying to produce nuclear warheads and missiles that carry those warheads.
The Iranian regime has produced Shahab 3 missiles with a range of 2000 km. It can reach all capitals in the region and some eastern European countries.
The Revolutionary Guards are working on another type of missile named Ghadr with 2500-3000 km range , which could reach Berlin, Rome, Athens, Vienna and some other capitals.
More than 70 percent of Ghadr project has been completed so far.
Through reverse engineering on the cruise missile it obtained from Ukraine, the Iranian regime has mastered the technology to produce cruise missiles and is making even great progress to this end.  This missile is nuclear warhead capable.
After the revelations by the Iranian Resistance, the Defense Ministry has dug many underground bunkers and tunnels in order to conceal its nuclear and missile activities.
In order to obtain nuclear weapons as quickly as possible, the clerical regime has allocated an enormous budget, which is provided by the Supreme National Security Council and Supreme Leader Khamenei. No one else knows about it. The nuclear projects have so far cost 20 billion dollars.
A confidential report by the mullahs Parliament last year stated that it was not even aware of nuclear projects and the budget of these projects was not raised in the Parliament.
Mullahs decision to continue their nuclear weapons program is a part of the regime’s survival strategy and a unique policy which Iranian regime is carrying out after ahmadinejad presidency. This strategy has two other elements: First, establishing a puppet Islamic government in Iraq. Second, active hostility towards peace in the middle east which the mullahs president, emphasized, two weeks ago.
Some policy makers in the West argue that there is no other way than to recognize Iran’s right to acquire nuclear weapons and that a nuclear capable Iran would not be anti-western.
This approach has dire consequences for global peace and security. It would be a disastrous mistake to compare a fundamentalist Iran with Pakistan or India. Contrary to those countries, the export of terrorism and fundamentalism is the most important part of the Iranian regime’s policy as epicenter of a global Islamic rule.  
Let me raise the question of solution and what should be done to prevent the ominous prospect of the world’s most active terrorist regime obtaining the world’s most dangerous weapon?
EU’s two-year talks with Tehran proved to be a miserable failure. While in the past two years, the NCRI, through its revelations, repeatedly tried to prevent the regime from obtaining nuclear weapons, the EU gave Tehran new opportunities to acquire the bomb by offering it more concessions. The most disgraceful part of this policy was the commitment by the EU-3 to keep PMOI, the main Iranian opposition, in the terrorist list, in return for Iran limiting its nuclear activities. In other words, the very movement that informed the world about the dangers of the mullahs’ bomb became the victim of a deal with that regime.
The experience shows, so long as the regime remains in power, it will not abandon the nuclear program. Ali Akbar Velayati, Khameini’s senior advisor and Foreign Minister for 16 years, said several months ago, "If we take one step back with respect to the nuclear program, we would slide toward being overthrown."
The ultimate solution to confront the mullahs’ nuclear threat, therefore, is regime change and the establishment of a democracy that would derive its power not from the export of revolution and nuclear weapons but from popular will. Such an Iran, as declared by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, would be a nuclear-free state.
Confronting Tehran’s nuclear threat requires a decisive two-sided policy. The first is to refer Iran’s nuclear file to the UN Security Council and to prevent the regime to use the Iranian people’s wealth and Western technology to acquire nuclear bombs. It would make their task much harder and slow down the process.
The second is to recognize the right of the Iranian people to resist against this regime. This resistance has the capacity to bring about democratic change in Iran.
The world cannot remain complacent  in the face of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. It is the historical and ethical obligation of all democratic nations today to reject appeasement, and join to support the Iranian Resistance movement in order to prevent war and catastrophe in that troubled part of the world. The clock is ticking and I urge you to act by calling on EU and your governments  to take decisive action.

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