Iran Nuclear Deal Fate in the Spotlight as Rouhani Visits New York


NCRI Staff

NCRI – With Iranian regime’s president Hassan Rouhani due to participate in UN General Assembly in New York, regime’s media and TV have released different contents on the objectives of Rouhani’s trip.

“Requested by Federica Mogherini, European Union’s High Representative on Foreign Affairs, a nuclear deal joint commission will also be held on the sidelines of the UNGA. Meanwhile, it seems that the main goal of the president’s visit to New York is to carry a clear warning”, reported regime’s TV on Sunday, September 17.

Also interviewed in the program was Regime’s ambassador to the UN ‘Khoshroo’, who said “the nuclear deal will be on the agenda. Mr. President will speak to alert the international community to the consequences of failure to commit to the deal.”

The TV reporter then added “although developing economic and regional ties would be discussed during the President’s bilateral talks, but probably the fate of the nuclear deal will be the main topic there as well.”

Earlier, Rouhani himself had expressed his concerns over the fate of the nuclear deal during his meeting with a foreign partner.

“In his meeting with Belgium’s Parliament Speaker, the President pointed out Islamic Republic’s intention to make use of the proper atmosphere following the nuclear deal for developing relations with the EU countries, including Belgium, saying: we hope that the countries we consider as friends act more vigorously along this path to create a proper environment for developing economic ties, business activities, and private sector”, reported regime’s TV on Saturday, September 16.

“Mr. Rouhani underlined the necessity of staying committed to the nuclear agreement, saying that according to IAEA report, Iran has fulfilled its obligations in the nuclear deal and now expects the other sides to fully respect theirs as well. The President then pointed to the U.S. violations, saying ‘we expect the EU to fully stay committed to the deal and also urge the United States to do so by giving them a decisive message.”

Meanwhile, in an article titled “Futilely expecting Europe to give a strong message to the United States”, a Revolutionary Guards’ newspaper attacks Rouhani’s viewpoints, saying “why our statesmen tend to fool themselves, trying to put people on by making such bombastic statements? Europe is not even playing in your court, let alone playing the role of a messenger for you.” (Revolutionary Guards’ Javan newspaper, Sunday, September 17)

“In his talks with Belgium’s Parliament Speaker, Rouhani also suggests a more dangerous point when he says ‘the nuclear deal could be regarded as a model for solving complicated regional and international issues.’ The type of Rouhani’s approach towards resolving issues is reminiscent of a famous proverb, saying “the guy was not allowed in town, yet he was looking for sheriff’s house.”

“What is painful, though, is that the leader has repeatedly warned that we should not address other issues as long as the other side has not demonstrated its integrity regarding the nuclear deal. Nonetheless, the President still speaks of the second and third nuclear-like deals, causing the Western side to jump to the conclusion that ‘when the Iranians are willing to make more concessions, why shouldn’t we use the nuclear deal leverage as much as we can to bring them to their knees?” (Revolutionary Guards’ Javan newspaper, Sunday, September 17)

In the meantime, Khamenei’s Kayhan has also pointed to the issue. In its September 17 article titled “nuclear deal violations reached aircrafts: how long is the government going to tolerate?” the newspaper expresses its concerns over the fate of the nuclear deal, describing regime’s deadlock this way: “the ideal outcome for the United States is to have a secondary agreement which is also supported by its European allies.”

“Experts had previously maintained that from the US point of view, the nuclear deal was over when regime fulfilled its commitment, with the US commitments going to remain on paper. And if the regime expects new unwarranted promises from the United States, it must make new concessions first!”

“The US officials are seeking to put Iranian government under pressure to accede to second and third nuclear deal-like agreements to cover such issues as the missile program and axis of resistance in the region, and thus to expand nuclear deal’s absolute loss to regime’s other elements of power. Meanwhile, the type of our government officials’ reactions, intentionally or unintentionally sends this message to the Americans that ‘feel free to increase the sanctions as much as you like, since we are caught and taken hostage by our own propaganda over the nuclear deal, and that you will receive no strong response from the Iranian government!’ ”

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