Iran-Nuclear: Britain certain Iran developing long-range weapons

Jack Straw, British Foreign Secretary


NCRI, LONDON – Jack Straw, British Foreign Secretary said Tuesday it was an "incontrovertible" fact that Iran was developing long-range missiles, According to Agence France Presse. But he stopped short of asserting that Tehran was using its fledgling nuclear program — currently under intense scrutiny by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) — to develop nuclear weapons.
In reply to a question in the British parliament’s House of Commons, asking what plans were in place to deal with the "doomsday situation" of Iranian weapons being developed capable of reaching England’s south coast, Straw said: "The fact that the government of Iran is developing longer range missiles is incontrovertible. Whether they are using their nuclear power program to develop nuclear weapons is not yet incontrovertible.
"There is a lot of circumstantial evidence which has raised significant anxieties in the minds of the international community.” Straw said he believed Iran was "at the very least developing options for a nuclear weapons program.”
Iranian regime could face UN Security Council sanctions over its nuclear program, which the United States and other nations suspect is a front for developing a weapons capability, and therefore non-compliant with the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.
Relations with the European Union, the United States and other Western countries have been further strained since hardline President of the clerics, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called in October for Israel to be "wiped off the map."
Straw’s comments came after Tehran rejected a compromise plan to allow Russia to conduct uranium enrichment — a process which can make both nuclear fuel and the explosive core of a weapon — on their behalf.
Iranian regime’s nuclear negotiator, Javad Vaidi, said Tuesday they will only accept a plan to make nuclear fuel inside the country and would not continue talks about the program with the threat of UN sanctions hanging over them.

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