Iran: New secret nuclear site unveiled by Iranian Resistance

NCRI – In a press conference in Paris on Thursday the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) revealed details of a secret nuclear site under construction in Iran.

The new revelation was made by Mr. Mehdi Abrishamchi, Chairman of the NCRI’s Peace Committee which follows:

This site is located five kilometers south of Natanz site, near a small village called Abbas-Abad. The new site is located in the midst of Siah Kooh mountain from Karkas (Vulcher) mountain chains, south of Natanz site.

NCRI – In a press conference in Paris on Thursday the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) revealed details of a secret nuclear site under construction in Iran.
The new revelation was made by Mr. Mehdi Abrishamchi, Chairman of the NCRI’s Peace Committee which follows:
This site is suited five kilometers south of Natanz site, near a small village called Abbas-Abad. The new site is located in the midst of Siah Kooh mountain from Karkas (Vulcher) mountain chains, south of Natanz site.

This site includes a sprawling underground area, including two parallel tunnels. These two tunnels are located beneath two mountains that are near each other and are connected to the current Natanz site. The entrance of the tunnels is six meters wide. As such, this site could be kept safe from an air-raid and in case of an air-strike on the Natanz Site, the new site would be damaged.

This site was planned two years ago by the clerical regime’s Ministry of Defense and the Khatam-ol-Anbia engineering section of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has been constructing this site since late 2006.

In order to guarantee the expeditious progress on this site, scores of high ranking officials of the Ministry of Defense (MOD), visit this site regularly. Every two weeks, Brig. Gen. Sadrollah Pour-Barat, the Director of Engineering Bureau of MoD personally visits the site. Asgari, another senior official of the Engineering Bureau of MoD, spends most of his time at this site.

The MoD has entrusted the task of constructing this site to Khatam-ol-Anbia garrison of the IRGC. Khatam-ol-Anbia has gained prominence in recent years, in particular during Ahmadinejad’s tenure. As the IRGC’s role in Iranian economy grows, Khatam-ol-Anbia has evolved as one of the biggest construction conglomerates in Iran.

In order to keep this plan secret, the IRGC has declared this area a military zone and has purchased vast areas of land and gardens in this region, called Hanjeni garden. The counter-intelligence bureau of MoD has issued an order to all of its institutions and units currently active in this site and has barred them from any discussion regarding this project.

In addition, to divert any attention from the project, MoD has taken a number of other measures:

1.    It has given various parts of this project to different agencies and units of MoD and the IRGC so that none of them are aware on the entirety of the project. Different parts of the project are coordinated at higher levels at MoD and IRGC.

2.    To protect the information, local officials and officials of the Natanz site who would inevitably come across the activities of IRGC’s engineering units in the area, have been told that the IRGC engineering unit  in Natanz area is building the area for anti-aircraft batteries, and  ammunition depots.

Garrisson IRGC Omran Institute and IRGC Hora Institute, the two major institutes affiliated to Khatam-al-Anbia are involved in the project.

Omran’s Director General is IRGC Brig. Gen. Tabatabi who is an engineer.  He  visits the site every week to control the progress of the project.

Director of the workshop in Natanz is IRGC Brig. Gen. Daneshjo. He is Tabatabi’s deputy.

Omran’s main office is located in Tehran’s Geisha Bridge district.  Currently, a large portion of equipment and staff of this institute are located in the area of the new site.

Omran institute is one of the main front companies of the IRGC for building secret tunnels for its missile and nuclear activities. The NCRI revealed the building of secret tunnel by this institution in Parchin site in March 2005."

Hora Institute, another front company of the IRGC, is specialized in building tunnels for IRGC missile and nuclear systems and in the past the institution has been involved in a number of secret missile projects for the IRGC.

Building the new clandestine nuclear site which is not the only secret site of the clerical regime, clearly demonstrates the mullahs’ intention of going full steam ahead in obtaining nuclear weapons.

On Tuesday, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed the Untied Nations General Assembly where he summarized the regime’s strategy in facing international community in two steps: First, the regime’s nuclear project is no longer negotiable and it is an issue of the past. It would defy any further Security Council sanctions and the regime’s decision is not changeable.. Second, the regime would not recognize the geographical partitioning that came out after Second World War and wants to be acknowledged as the dominant power in the region, in particular in Iraq and Palestine. Therefore, Ahmadinjad reiterated the regime’s evil intentions of establishing a fundamentalist Islamic empire which at least geographically covers the entire Middle East. Let us not forget that the former Iranian regime’s president, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani once side that an atomic bomb is the guarnatee to the regime’s survival. 

The new Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Commander, Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari in the sidelines of the recent military parade of the armed forces said, "Today, we are capable of putting our modern weapon’s technology at the service of other countries."  
Five years ago, the Iranian Resistance revealed Natanz and Arak nuclear sites. The appeasement policy that was pursued vis-à-vis the mullahs’ regime, in particular by the EU countries, instead of imposing sanctions on the regime for 18 years of clandestine nuclear activities, engaged in negotiations and offered incentives. Such policy provided the opportunity for the regime to get closer to the atomic bomb.

At present, the Iranian regime is exploiting the policies of the IAEA and its Director General, and as such it has been trying to prevent the international community from imposing new tougher sanctions in the UN Security Council.

There is no doubt that the mullahs are after obtaining an atomic bomb. There is no doubt that the religious dictatorship equipped with nuclear weapons would be a major international catastrophe. Obtaining an atomic bomb is part of the regime’s strategy for its survival. Therefore, as long as the clerics are in power, they will not abandon their nuclear projects.   

We call for imposition of comprehensive weapons, diplomatic, technological, oil and financial sanctions on the Iranian regime. Such sanctions will have significant impact on the regime’s ability to obtain nuclear bomb. But we should not forget that any delay, would rapidly put the Middle East and the entire world on the brink of a tragedy. It is obvious that the final solution, as the Iranian Resistance has repeatedly declared, is a regime change by the Iranian people and its Resistance.

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