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Iran: Mullahs threaten West with uranium enrichment

NCRI – As little progress has been reported by the UN on the Iran nuclear probe, the Iranian regime is threatening the Western powers with uranium enrichment.

A member of the Iranian regime’s parliament says a bill will be passed in the parliament that will pave the way for the regime to enrich uranium by 60 percent if western powers impose new sanctions.

Member of parliament’s national security committee, Mohammad Hassan Asafari reacted to sanctions imposed by the U.S. government and said, “The new sanctions show an absence of goodwill from the U.S.”

Last week, the U.S. slapped sanctions on over 25 corporations and individuals for aiding the Iranian regime’s nuclear program and circumventing international measures aimed at curbing it.

The Iranian lawmaker warned his government will immediately develop and accelerate nuclear progress if the U.S. government insists on its “negative approach” towards the talks.

A new report by the International Atomic Energy Agency on Iran’s nuclear program says that the latest effort to investigate the secret work on atomic arms by the Iranian regime has failed to make headway, Associated Press reported on Friday.

The Iranian regime had agreed in February to cooperate in restarting the investigation by the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency, after a decade of deadlock.

Since then, the U.N. agency has sought information on experiments with detonators that can be used to set off nuclear explosions; separate work on high-explosive charges used in nuclear blasts, and studies on calculating nuclear explosive yields.

The confidential IAEA report made clear that there has been little progress.

The Iranian regime is engaging in deceptive tactics to find a way out of the nuclear impasse. They want to delay the signing of the final agreement or impose their demands on it, such that they would preserve their ability to obtain nuclear weapons.

Any agreement that does not include the complete implementation of UN Security Council resolutions, a total halt to enrichment and allowing of snap inspections will leave the path open for the regime to obtain nuclear arms.