Iran: Mullahs obtained 2 banned machines used for making atom bomb

While the international stand-off over the Iranian regime’s nuclear program goes on, the ruling mullahs in Tehran are in hot pursuit of the Atomic-Bomb.

At a Westminster news conference on Friday, January 20, Ms. Dowlat Nowrouzi, the United Kingdom representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, said "According to the information obtained by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, a part of the vast illegal nuclear weapons program of the mullahs’ regime is being conducted in a top-secret site well away from the eyes of international inspectors."

Based on the information obtained from within the regime, the site is called the “Materials and Energy Research Center” which operates under the cover of a scientific and industrial research centre affiliated to the Ministry of Science. The site is located on the edge of Meshkin-Dasht some forty kilometers to the west of Tehran.

"The mullahs’ regime has succeeded in obtaining two types of equipments, the Hot Iso-static Press and the Hot Press, to shape enriched uranium as part of the production of the atomic bomb and both of these machines are banned items," Nowrouzi revealed, adding, "these machines are able to use simultaneously pressure and heat to produce uranium spheres for production of nuclear bomb."

The mullahs’ regime tried to obtain these machines from western countries, including Belgium, under the cover of scientific research at Tehran University.

In addition to these illegal activities, the mullahs’ regime has attempted to reproduce these machines in Iran.

The Belgian daily, Le Soir, in a report on April 29, 2005 refers to a secret fax from the Belgian Finance Ministry which was sent to custom services throughout the country. The document as reported by Le Soir reads: “An investigation has revealed that some of the Belgian companies, on behalf of European community, have tried to export equipments with ‘Dual use’ without an official license."

The document particularly refers to “pressing equipment used for Iso Static nuclear materials” which could be “exported to Iran.” The pressing machines are used to adjust pressure within a mold consisting of liquid, gas and rigid materials.

In a report submitted by Mr. Al-Baradei, the director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency on November 18, 2005, it said: “Among the documents was one related to the procedural requirements for the reduction of UF6 to metal in small quantities, and on the casting and machining of enriched, natural and depleted uranium metal into hemispherical forms,…”

Labour peer Lord Corbett of Castle Vale, chairman of the Parliamentary British Committee for Iran Freedom, described this information as further evidence of the regime’s intention to acquire nuclear weapons.

Lord Corbett  and Ms Nowrouzi called for the immediate referral of this matter to the UN Security Council for the adoption of comprehensive sanctions against the regime.

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