IRAN: Mullahs expedited nuclear project when Arab Spring began

NCRI – During an interview with a Kuwaiti daily, Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran announced that when the Arab Spring started, the mullahs ruling Iran sharply intensified their efforts for attaining a nuclear weapon.

Mohaddessin said that according to intelligence obtained from sources inside Iran, the Iranian regime is rapidly working on the three necessary linked aspects of the nuclear bomb: enriching uranium, weaponry efforts (building the bomb), and building missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads. These projects are entirely under control of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).

In an interview which appeared in the December 22nd issue of the Kuwaiti daily Al-Seyassah, Mohaddessin said that after the start of Arab Spring, and specifically after the fall of Libyan dictator Qaddafi, Khamenei said in a private meeting that had Qaddafi not retreated from his nuclear projects, he wouldn’t have had that destiny.

Khamenei said: the lesson that we learn from Qaddafi’s fall is to expedite the nuclear projects. Khamenei implicitly repeated these statements in his public speech and emphasized that: we are in the middle of the way, once we reach the pinnacle, the situation will change and animosities will subside. By reaching the pinnacle, Khamenei meant attaining nuclear weapons.

Mohaddessin indicated that according to information obtained by PMOI’s network inside Iran, the central organ supervising manufacturing of the bomb in mullah’s regime nuclear project is the “New Defense Research Organization” known by its Persian acronym “SEPAND.” This center functions under the deputy Minister of Defense.
Headed by Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi, this center is located at the “Mozhdeh” site, on the western side of Malek-Ashtar University in Lavizan quarters of Tehran. The team working to build the nuclear bomb includes specialists from the IRGC and the Ministry of Defense (MOD) [Malek-Ashtar University is funded by the MOD]. This team is known as Fakhrizadeh Group.

Mohaddessin stressed that the Iranian Resistance has provided specifications of 60 directors and specialists of SEPAND and 11 organizations and companies associated with it.

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