Iran: Locations of Nuclear Activities Revealed


NCRI Staff

NCRI – It is expected the United States President Donald Trump is going to “decertify” the Iranian nuclear deal. Formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), it was put in place to bring a halt to Iran’s nuclear program.

His deadline for recertifying or decertifying the deal is the 15th October. If he does go ahead and decertify it, Congress will then have 60 days to decide whether pre-agreement economic sanctions will be reimposed.

Many, especially many European leaders, have said that it is absolutely essential for the nuclear deal to remain in place because it is the only way for the Iranian nuclear threat to be eliminated. However, President Trump has said on numerous occasions that the deal was badly negotiated and does not curb the threat. In fact, he has said that it actually paves the way for Iran to become nuclear.

It is expected that Trump would justify a decision to decertify the JCPOA by pointing out that it is not in the national interests of the United States.

There are suspicions that the Iranian regime has not at all halted its nuclear program and Fox News was able to access a report carried out by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) saying as much. The NCRI, the main opposition to the Iranian regime, is set to release the report this week.

The document is entitled “Iran’s Nuclear Core: Uninspected Military Sites” and claims that Iran’s first nuclear bomb will be from its military nuclear program (as opposed to its civilian one).

The deputy director of the NCRI’s Washington office said that the regime’s civilian program has been shielding the military program. Alireza Jafarzadeh said: “The civilian sector of the nuclear program has systematically provided a plausible logistical cover for the military sector, and acts as a conduit for it. The military aspect of the program has been and remains at the heart of Iran’s nuclear activities.”

The NCRI has been reporting about the Iranian regime’s activities for many years and has, on numerous occasions, presented evidence of its illegal activities. It has an extensive network inside the country and is dedicated to ensuring the truth is known.

It has been monitoring the Organization of Defensive Innovation and Research for almost twenty years. This organization, known by its Persian acronym SPND, has been tasked with building a nuclear bomb. The opposition has found out that Iran’s weaponization program is “fully operational” and the work has been continuing for years with the same key figures, despite changes in location and name.

One of the big issues with the Iran nuclear deal is that the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), has been denied access to Iran’s military sites. Regime and IRGC officials have maintained that access will be refused to nuclear inspectors.

The NCRI reports that the Iranian nuclear program is being carried out on huge sites with very complex terrain. The purpose of this is so that the activities can be very quickly moved to other areas if necessary.

The NCRI’s report details several of the locations and provides evidence that the Iran nuclear program is still continuing despite the deal.

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