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IRAN: IRGC criticizes nuclear deal


The commander of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) reacted Monday to the United Nations Security Council resolution saying that it crossed some “red lines” concerning the defenses of the clerical regime in Tehran.

IRGC’s Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari remarks came as the Security Council voted 15 to 0 to approve the resolution, which will require the regime in Tehran to accept long-term limits on its nuclear program and allow inspections of its nuclear facilities.

“Some parts of the draft have clearly crossed the Islamic Republic’s red lines, especially in Iran’s military capabilities. We will never accept it,” Jafari told Iranian state-run news agency Tasnim.

The U.N. Security Council unanimously endorsed the nuclear agreement, setting in motion a yearslong process that will eventually lift international sanctions in exchange for stringent new controls on Tehran’s nuclear program, The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.

“Under the new resolution, restrictions on sales of nuclear-related material will stay in place for 10 years. Sanctions on ballistic missiles and the asset freezes on some individuals won’t be lifted for eight years. The embargo on import and export of conventional arms will be removed after five years,” the report said.


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