Iran: IRGC commander warns regime could scrap Geneva nuclear deal

The commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards has warned that the regime would scrap the Geneva nuclear deal if the West does not abide by the terms of the agreement.

Mohammad Ali Jafari said: “We must stand up to the imperialists that extort and demand ever more concessions from us.”

He told the state-run news agency IRNA on Monday that ‘ambiguities’ existed in the text of the agreement with the 5+1 group of countries, adding: “We must be vigilant to ensure that between the first step and the last step, our country does not suffer damage because of negligence and lack of insight.”

Jafari said that Iran must complete the full cycle of nuclear fuel production, demand official recognition of its right to enrich uranium and require the complete lifting of sanctions.

The IRGC commander added: “In the case of finding non- compliance with the Geneva agreement, and violation of the inalienable nuclear rights of Iran and misinterpretation of the agreement by the West and America, the country’s authorities must terminate this agreement with full force.”

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