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Iran: International resolve in dealing with mullahs’ nuclear non-compliance

ImageNCRI, September 26 – Following the adoption of IAEA’s resolution on the Iranian regime’s nuclear program on Saturday, September 24, the International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohammad El-Baradei said: "I think the international community sent a message to Iran that it is not satisfied with its pace and level of cooperation with the IAEA in clarifying the outstanding issues, and that the international community is also not satisfied with the level of confidence building measures Iran has so far taken.”

He added: I think the overall focus of the resolution calls on Iran to accelerate its cooperation in resolving the outstanding issues, accelerate the measures they can take to build confidence."

The United States on Saturday hailed the move as a "significant step forward," a vote that Washington said would bring Tehran before the UN Security Council.

Nicholas Burns, undersecretary of state for political affairs told reporters, "This is a significant step forward in the international effort to isolate Iran. It’s also a significant setback for Iran’s nuclear strategy."

In a statement by the French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy he said: “The resolution adopted by the UN atomic watchdog on Saturday is a strong signal of the international community’s concern over Iran’s nuclear program but leaves the door open to diplomacy.” He stressed that "the resolution demonstrates the concern of the international community over the determination of Iran’s non-compliance regarding non-proliferation controls.”

The British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw as the EU president issued a statement which in part said: "Both the fact of the resolution and the scale of the vote in its favour are very import if we are to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons capability.”

"Iran has an opportunity now to address the clear concerns of the IAEA, and the lack of confidence in Iran’s nuclear intentions. It is only when Iran demonstrates beyond any doubt that it is not seeking a nuclear weapons capability that it will be able to develop a better relationship with Europe and the international community as a whole,” the statement cocluded. 

In fear of being referred to the UN Security Council following the adoption of the resolution by the IAEA board, the clerical regime once again resorted to terrorist threats and blackmail. Quoting Gholamreza Aghazadeh, mullahs’ new Vice President, state-run news agency, IRNA, reported: “There is no doubt that a report to the Security Council initiates a chain of events, of actions and reactions that breed tension and add volatitility to an already vulnerable political situation in the region." Aghazadeh told a meeting of the 138 nations of the UN watchdog International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna on Monday.

In another repeated hollow threat to test world community’s resolve, a group of Majlis (mullahs’ parliament) deputies were reported by IRNA to present a plan of single urgency to Majlis on Tuesday urging the government to suspend implementation of the Additional Protocol.

Welcoming adoption of the IAEA resolution, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the NCRI said on Saturday, "The lack of a decisive policy vis-à-vis the clerical regime has so far caused a three-year delay in referring Tehran’s nuclear file to the Security Council and allowed the mullahs to get closer to the nuclear bomb.”

Mrs. Rajavi then recalled, "In all these years, the Iranian Resistance insisted that Tehran’s nuclear file must be referred to the Security Council. Now that the IAEA resolution has been adopted, giving any further opportunity to the regime in the hope that it would change its nuclear policy will be tantamount to providing more time to the enemy of humanity. This would run counter to international peace and security and the Iranian nation’s highest interests." She finally stressed on the need for the immediate and definitive referral of the Iranian regime’s nuclear file to the Security Council.

Canada’s Foreign Minister, Pierre Pettigrew, launched a warning on Sunday, following adoption of the resolution and said, "this action is long overdue and should have been taken two years ago when Iran’s non-compliance was first clearly established by the IAEA.”