Iran – IAEA talks fails to advance atomic bomb investigations

The UN nuclear watchdog has failed in talks with the Iranian regime this week to substantively advance a dragging investigation into the military dimension of mullahs’ nuclear program.

Western officials in Vienna said on Thursday Iran must improve cooperation with U.N. nuclear inspectors if it wants to reach a broader diplomatic deal with world powers to resolve a protracted nuclear dispute and phase out crippling financial sanctions on the oil producer, Reuters reported.

The International Atomic Energy Agency said in a statement after the Oct. 7-8 meeting in Tehran that “the two sides held discussions in relation to the implementation of the two practical measures relating to the initiation of high explosives and to neutron transport calculations.”

“The agency and Iran will continue discussions on these measures,” the IAEA statement said.

The IAEA gave no further detail. But its statement suggested strongly that the regime had still not fully implemented the steps it had agreed to carry out by late August, answering questions about the military dimensions of Tehran’s nuclear program.

“Iran did not propose any new measures during the meetings in Tehran. Iran and the agency agreed to meet again, at a date to be announced,” the IAEA said.

Meanwhile, it has become evident that the Iranian regime had stonewalled the agency’s investigation by refusing to issue entry visa for the third time for one member of United Nation’s nuclear watchdog that visited Tehran August 31 to try to investigate military dimensions of the regime’s nuclear program.

A sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity to Reuters, said they believed the team member was a U.S. national and an atomic arms expert.

Western officials say Iran needs to cooperate with the IAEA inquiry if it wants to reach a breakthrough diplomatic settlement with world powers.

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