Iran has until G8 summit to consider incentive package: Austria

Agence France Presse, BERLIN – Iran has until the Group of Eight summit in July to consider a European package of incentives to stop enriching uranium, Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel said in an interview published Friday.

When asked what would happen if Iran did not accept the proposals, Schuessel told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: "That will have to be discussed within the framework of the G8. Iran has until the world economic summit in July to think it over."

Leaders of the Group of Eight (G8) — Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the United States — are to meet July 15-17 in Saint Petersburg.

European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana presented a proposal to Iranian officials Tuesday outlining incentives to be discussed if Tehran suspended the work which makes nuclear reactor fuel or, in highly refined form, atom bomb material.

The international package was drawn up by Britain, France and Germany and backed by the United States, Russia and China.

Austria holds the rotating presidency of the EU until the end of June.

Tehran says its nuclear program is to generate electricity but Washington and the EU fear this is a cover for developing atomic weapons. They are threatening UN Security Council sanctions if Iran does not cooperate.

An Iranian official in Tehran confirmed Friday that his country had stepped up its nuclear activities, following a report from the IAEA, the United Nations’ Vienna-based nuclear watchdog, that Iran had accelerated uranium enrichment.

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