Iran has completed the techniques and know how necessary for assembling a nuclear bomb

Testimony by Dr. Alireza Assar, an exiled Iranian nuclear scientist in a press conference - Paris July 2005


Testimony by Dr. Alireza Assar, an exiled Iranian nuclear scientist in a press conference - Paris July 2005Testimony by Dr. Alireza Assar, an exiled Iranian nuclear scientist in a press conference – Paris July 2005. 

I was asked on several occasions to collaborate with the research centre of the Revolutionary Guards and for sometime I acted as a consultant about certain nuclear research programs in the above named military establishment ( in particular in the Lavizan site

Testimony by Dr. Alireza Assar, an exiled Iranian nuclear scientist in a press conference – Paris July 2005. 

In the period 1984-1989, I was an associate professor in physics department of Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran.

I’m grateful to have been invited to this press conference on Iran’s secret nuclear projects.

As I’ve already said in previous occasions, in the period of1986-1987 I have had two meetings with the Commander in Chief of the Revolutionary Guards in Iran.

In the first one, we discussed about the possibilities of initiating a military nuclear project and estimated the cost of such a project to be about $800 million.

In the consequent contacts, I proposed to buy a VandeGraaff at the cost of $3-$5 million but did not succeed because of sanctions put on Iran by the U.S.

I was asked on several occasions to collaborate with the research centre of the Revolutionary Guards and for sometime I acted as a consultant about certain nuclear research programs in the above named military establishment ( in particular in the Lavizan site).

In 1986 I managed to take a group of physicist and engineers working for the Revolutionary Guards to the centre of nuclear research in Padova, Italy and collected good amount of information about setting up a laboratory for production of thermal neutrons and their absorption by heavy nuclei, nuclease uranium. We also visited the centre of laser research in bologna university, Italy.

The research department of the Revolutionary Guards was involved in a detailed study of the “implosion technique” in a military case near Kerman and as you know this technique is only for use in nuclear bombs.

I should inform you that in 1983-84 I was invited by the clerical regime to establish a centre of theoretical physics in Iran and for this project we needed something about $5 million.

But we didn’t manage to complete that project because the regime claimed at the time that when the Iran-Iraq war was going on, it had no money for scientific projects while they directed our attention as scientists into their own military projects in which they had great interest and spent hundreds of millions of dollars.

It was along this policy that I was offered to establish the so called South West Research Centre in the province of Kerman which was supposed take on projects in laser and nuclear physics. Surprisingly, two months after the preliminary discussions about such a project, I received a letter from Pakistan’s atomic establishment, mailed to me from Pakistan and I received it in my office at the Kerman University. In this letter, they expressed their happiness to have heard about our attempt to have established such a centre of physics close to Pakistan and they offered to exchange personnel and expertise with us on nuclear issues.

How did those people know about our projects? The answer is that some elements of Revolutionary Guards had their own secret contacts with certain people in Pakistan’s atomic establishment.

I have no doubt that the clerical regime has systematically during the period 1986-2005 completed the techniques and know how necessary for assembling a nuclear bomb. These efforts are exclusively made by the Revolutionary Guards under the direct guidance of the supreme leader, Ali Khamenei.

Dear friends,
We are living in a dangerous world and at a very critical time. At this time a wise, definite and decisive choice should be made and that is to stop, once and for all, the clerical regime in Tehran from acquiring a nuclear bomb.

Time is short; a lot of time is already wasted in talking to the regime, with no conclusion. The free world must act now, quickly, about this problem or face terrible consequences in near future.

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