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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsIran-EU: Thousands call for mullahs' referral to UN Security Council

Iran-EU: Thousands call for mullahs’ referral to UN Security Council

Iranians demonstrate in front of IAEA headquarters in ViennaEU accusing Tehran of possessing documents used solely for the production of nuclear arms
NCRI, Vienna – Thousands of supporters of the Iranian Resistance called on IAEA board of governors here today to refer Iranian nuclear file to the UN Security Council for adoption of sanctions against the clerical regime in Iran.

In the meantime a statement made available to the Associated Press today, the European Union is accusing Iran of possessing documents used solely for the production of nuclear arms and is warning of possible referral to the U.N. Security Council.
The press statement, made available before planned delivery later in the day, was described by a diplomat as a summary of what Britain, France and Germany would tell a closed session of the International Atomic Energy Agency board which began meeting today.
The statement said the EU would accuse Iran of possessing suspicious documents that "have no other application than the production of nuclear weapons."
"Failure to make progress" on easing international concerns about Iran’s nuclear program "will hasten the day when the board decides that a report to the Security Council must be made," said the statement to be delivered by Peter Jenkins, the chief British delegate to the IAEA.
The European Union also reserves the right to call an emergency board meeting before the next scheduled gathering in March — for possible Security Council referral — "if Iranian behavior makes it necessary," said the statement.
The statement alluded to new revelations of concern contained in a report drawn up for the board meeting by IAEA head Mohamed ElBaradei, including a finding showing the Iranians in possession of what appeared to be drawings of the core of an atomic warhead.
But the main issue is Iran’s refusal to give up its right to uranium enrichment, which can be used to generate power but also to make weapons-grade material for nuclear warheads. Iran says it wants only to make fuel, but international concern is growing that the program could be misused.
A plan floated in recent weeks foresees moving any Iranian enrichment plan to Russia. There, in theory, Moscow would supervise the process to make sure enrichment is only to fuel levels.
But Iran insists it wants to control the complete fuel cycle domestically.
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told reporters in Tehran on Wednesday that, while his country was willing to resume formal talks with key European powers on its nuclear program, "naturally we aim to have enrichment on Iran’s territory."
For months, Iran has relied on Beijing and Moscow, Security Council members with veto power, to fend off a U.S.-backed push to have it hauled before the council.
While the Americans and Europeans have opted not to lobby for referral at Thursday’s meeting of the IAEA board, they could resume their efforts at a later board session if they judge that the Russians, Chinese and other key nations will not stand in their way.
The EU statement made available to the AP said Iran’s "failure to provide full transparency … continues to undermine its claim that its program is exclusively peaceful in nature."