Iran developing longer-range missiles

NCRI – Iran is developing longer-range missiles with technology from North Korea and Russia according to Germany’s foreign intelligence service.

A report in the Bild, a German daily, quoting the intelligence service, said Iran has bought materials for 18 missiles from North Korea and is using technology from Russian submarine-launched missiles to extend their range to 2,200 miles.

“Germany and other parts of Europe could be directly affected by the Iranian missile programme in the medium to long-term,” the newspaper quoted from what it said was a new report from Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service.

In October, Russia dismissed a similar report in a British newspaper as an attempt to discredit its policy on arms sales.

The European Union recently lodged a formal protest to Russia about its sale of Tor-M1 air defence missiles, European and US officials said.

The information by German foreign intelligence service corroborates the revelations made by the Iranian Resistance on November 21. It was declared then that Tehran is building nuclear-warhead capable missiles with help from North Korean experts in a vast underground complex.

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