Iran-Canada: Mullahs’ secret nuclear program exposed in Canadian Parliament

Iranian regime’s nuclear program and its ominous intentions were exposed in a press conference in the Canadian Parliament on Monday, August 22, by Shahram Golestaneh, President of the Committee in Defense of Human Rights in Iran. Mr. David Kilgour, an independent member of the Canadian Parliament also raised alarm on the regime’s nuclear threat.

Iranian regime’s nuclear program and its ominous intentions were exposed in a press conference in the Canadian Parliament on Monday, August 22, by Shahram Golestaneh, President of the Committee in Defense of Human Rights in Iran. Mr. David Kilgour, an independent member of the Canadian Parliament also raised alarm on the regime’s nuclear threat.

The role of the Malek Ashtar University in Tehran was central to Golestaneh’s revelations based on information obtained by the National Council of Resistance of Iran.

The Malek Ashtar University is one of the main research centers for the regime’s nuclear program and its secret nuclear activities is overseen by Revolutionary Guard Brigadier General Hossein Tash.

Golestaneh reiterated that the regime would continue with its nuclear program with the intention of acquiring nuclear weapons. He noted that mullahs’ secret program was unveiled for the first time by the NCRI in August 2002.

President of the human rights group said that the European Union’s appeasement policy toward Iran had paved the way for mullahs’ nuclear projects. In public comments by clerical regime’s nuclear point man Hassan Rowhani as well as other officials it was acknowledged that the 21-month talks with the EU provided the greatest opportunity for the regime to complete different parts of its nuclear weapons project. Late in July, Rowhani said that at the start of the talks, "neither UF4, nor HF6 had been produced in Isfahan. In fact, no such thing as Isfahan facility existed… Today, we have started up and tested Isfahan on an industrial scale and several tons of UF6 have been produced… We did not suspend work at Isfahan site for a moment, until we completed it and had results. Arak site was never suspended to begin with."

Golestaneh added that with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the regime’s new president, Ali Khamenei, mullahs’ supreme leader, had removed all bureaucratic obstacles to deploy fully all logistical, diplomatic and financial resources in development of nuclear bombs.

Concluding his remarks, Golestaneh said: “Iranian regime’s nuclear program has to be dealt with immediately as it is rapidly approaching the completion of its nuclear fuel cycle and negotiations with the regime will only provide the mullahs with ample time to get even closer to nuclear bomb.”

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