Iran: Bushehr reactor fuels international worries about regime?s nuclear program

NCRI – Subsequent to the launch of the Bushehr nuclear reactor, governments in the US, Britain and France emphasized growing international worries concerning the Iranian regime’s nuclear activities and called on Tehran to comply with its international obligations.

The US State Department’s spokesman, Darby Holladay told AFP on Saturday that the reactor "underscores that Iran does not need an indigenous enrichment capability if its intentions are purely peaceful."

The British Foreign Office Minister, Alistair Burt, also pointed out that all nations have a right to have peaceful nuclear energy, but added that the problem is that the Iranian regime has refused to convince the international community and the International Atomic Energy Agency about its intentions.

"Until Iran suspends its proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities and responds in full to IAEA concerns about potential military dimensions, it will be in contravention of six UNSC (UN Security Council) resolutions and have to bear the economic cost of sanctions," Mr. Burt said, according to AFP.

France’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman, Christine Fages, also said, "The supply of Russian fuel to this reactor is another reason why the Islamic Republic should halt its dangerous nuclear activity in accordance with the UN Security Council resolution.”

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