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IRAN: Armed force commander rejects any inspection of military nuclear site


A day after a top nuclear negotiator of the Iranian regime said If an agreement is reached between his regime and the Group 5+1 “managed” access will be provided to nuclear inspectors, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian regime’s Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri rejected allowing any inspection of military sites.

Jazayeri said: “We will not allow any visiting of military centers, whether it is limited, controlled, non-free or in any other form,” the commander noted, adding that Iran’s opposition to such a visit has repeatedly been emphasized by Iranian leadership and military commanders.

State-run Tasnim News Agency report on Friday: The remarks [made by Jazayeri] came a day after a top Iranian diplomat involved in the nuclear talks with six world powers, Seyed Abbas Araqchi, said If an agreement is reached between Iran and the Group 5+1 based on which the Additional Protocol would be implemented, any access given to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors will be “managed”.

The United Nations nuclear inspectors would be wrong to dare to want to look at nuclear sites in Iran and if they do so they will be arrested and molten lead would be poured down their throat, a senior commander of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards says.

Meanwhile, IRGC Brigadier General Gholamhossein Qeybparavar, the commander of IRGC forces in the Fars province said on May 31: The Inspectors “would be wrong to dare to want to inspect our military centers and whoever does look at IRGC centers we will fill his throat with molten lead.”

The question of access for international inspectors has become one of the main sticking points between Tehran and six world powers as they try to overcome obstacles to a final nuclear agreement weeks ahead of a deadline.

The United States and France have threatened to block any deal that does not allow access but the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khameini has explicitly ruled out any inspections or interviews with nuclear scientists involved in covert nuclear weapon efforts.

Western officials say inspections of military sites by UN watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and access to the scientists working on the Iranian regime’s nuclear program are critical to checking whether the regime is pursuing a clandestine nuclear weapons program.

According to information obtained by the Iranian opposition movement, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), it was revealed on last week that the Iranian regime and the government of North Korea have extensively exchanged information and delegations of experts in the fields of nuclear weapons and nuclear warhead design as recently as late April 2015.

A delegation from North Korea including experts in nuclear warhead, and various elements of ballistic, were present in the country for one week at the end of April.

The next delegation of North Korean experts is scheduled to arrive in Iran in June and will be comprised of nine experts.

In an online conference on Thursday, PMOI spokesman Shahin Gobadi said: “Intrusive inspections at any time and any place including all military and non-military sites as well as on the regime’s accountability for the military dimensions of its nuclear projects, providing unfettered, unconditional access to the regime’s nuclear specialists and providing information on the regime’s nuclear equipment smuggling networks are part and parcel of any nuclear agreement with the regime. Otherwise any claim regarding the closure of pathways to Tehran’s attainment of nuclear weapons is a delusion at best. “

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