Iran: Ahmadinejad vows to pursue nuclear program

NCRI – The mullahs’ President Ahmadinejad vowed once again on Monday to press forward with the regime’s highly controversial nuclear program despite international concerns.

Speaking to a gathering in the southern province of Kohgilouyeh-Bouyer-Ahmad, he said: "Today the Iranian nation is standing firm against the world’s bullies and oppressors, and the people will not back down even one step from its right in seeking nuclear technology."

The United States and its allies charge that Iranian regime’s nuclear program conceals an effort to develop weapons and have urged it to halt sensitive uranium enrichment activities.

On Sunday, the mullahs’ supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, also urged Iranians to resist "the enemy’s threats."

As it was declared earlier by the Iranian Resistance, the clerical regime’s persistence to go ahead with its nuclear program underscores the need for firmness and expeditious action on the part of the international community in dealing with the regimes’ nuclear program as well as the need to impose comprehensive sanctions by the Security Council.

The Iranian Resistance has stressed time and again that any delay and hesitation in imposing sanctions against the mullahs’ regime for whatever reason would only provide more time to the regime to acquire nuclear weapons.

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