Iran: Ahmadinejad vows to defy world community on the regime’s nuclear program

NCRI – As world powers seek to impose fresh sanctions on Tehran for defiance of the international community’s call to stop its nuclear program, mullahs’ president Ahmadinejad vowed yesterday not to "back down one iota" in the regime’s intentions. He described the nuclear issue, first unveiled by the Iranian Resistance, as "the most important challenge since the [Iranian] revolution."

Ahmadinejad had earlier stressed that UN Security Council sanctions would have no effect on the regime, but on Saturday his foreign minister displayed the regime’s fear when he warned the world community of "serious consequences" if sanctions against the regime was adopted.

Such remarks before a domestic audience are nothing but hollow show of force by a faltering regime. The regime desperately needs to raise the morale among its demoralized forces while facing growing international isolation and total rejection by people of Iran.

Ahmadinejad’s remarks today were made before a gathering calling for jobs and protesting against the government’s inability to respond to their problems. In a large banner held up by participants they questioned Ahmadinejad if he ever was going to respond to their problems. His speech was disrupted by the crowd as they showed no interest in his ongoing nuclear threats repeated in every gathering while pressing problems remained unanswered.  

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