IAEA to make new attempt in Iran nuclear inquiry – diplomats

IAEA, ViennaMore than a month after the Iranian regime missed a deadline for cooperation with the U.N. nuclear agency in investigation into Tehran’s atomic bomb research, the agency makes new attempts to achieve progress in the slow-moving inquiry, diplomats said on Thursday, Reuters reported.

The diplomats said experts of the International Atomic Energy Agency and Iran may meet early next week in Tehran however there was no immediate comment from the Vienna-based U.N. agency.

Early last month, the head of the U.N. atomic agency urged the Iranian regime to provide answers about the works done on nuclear arms.

Yukiya Amano said the Iranian regime had implemented some measures in an agreement but they have been mostly in areas that have nothing to do with the weapons work. Amano says two of the measures remain to be implemented.

With his probe of suspected nuclear weapons work by the Iranian regime sputtering, Amano warned the Iranian regime last week to either cooperate or accept the prospect of a ruling based on incomplete information. He said the nuclear weapon probe “is not an endless process.”

According to the Reuters, Western officials say that although there is no chance of the IAEA inquiry being completed before the scheduled end of the six-power talks on November 24, some of the sanctions relief Iran is seeking would probably depend on its cooperation with the U.N. agency.

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