IAEA: Iran has not provided answers on nuclear weapon work

The head of the U.N. atomic agency urged the Iranian regime on Monday to provide answers about the works done on nuclear arms.

Speaking at general conference of International Atomic Energy Agency, Yukiya Amano said the Iranian regime had implemented some measures in an agreement but they have been mostly in areas that have nothing to do with the weapons work. Amano says two of the measures remain to be implemented.

With his probe of suspected nuclear weapons work by the Iranian regime sputtering, Amano warned the Iranian regime last week to either cooperate or accept the prospect of a ruling based on incomplete information. He said the nuclear weapon probe “is not an endless process.”

He indicated that the IAEA would make an assessment on the suspicions at the latest in about two years’ time — even if it failed to get the information it needed from Tehran.
The Iranian regime had agreed in February to cooperate in restarting the investigation by the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency, after a decade of deadlock.

Since then, the U.N. agency has sought information on experiments with detonators that can be used to set off nuclear explosions; separate work on high-explosive charges used in nuclear blasts, and studies on calculating nuclear explosive yields.

IAEA says it has collected about 1,000 pages of information that point to attempts to develop such weapons.

“In order to resolve all outstanding issues, past and present, it is very important that Iran continues to implement, in a timely manner, all practical measures agreed … ,” he told the 35-nation board of the International Atomic Energy Agency last week.

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