IAEA director renews worries about regime’s nuclear program

NCRI – The head of the UN nuclear watchdog on Tuesday reiterated concerns over the Iranian regime’s nuclear program and emphasized that the regime should abide by UN resolutions.

According to the German daily Der Spiegel, Yukiya Amano, the Head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said, “The main point is that we still don’t know the reasons behind Iran’s actions. What is the objective for these measures? Do they have a military component? Iran must be transparent on these issues and this is the core concern.”


In an interview with the German daily, Mr. Amano added, “Iran is a challenge. We know very little about its nuclear activities, and have not received answers to our questions. That is why we have made it clear that Iran must actively cooperate with the agency.”

Mr. Amano said, “We are not made informed about Iran’s actions and are in need of more comprehensive information.”

He reiterated that the UN Security Council has adopted several resolutions calling on the Iranian regime to stop its uranium enrichment program, but the regime continues to ignore the calls.

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