How Canada can combat the Iranian regime threat

NATIONAL POST – Ahmadinejad's Iran has emerged as a clear and present danger to international peace and security, to regional and Mid-East stability, and to its own people. Simply put, we are witnessing in Ahmadinejad's Iran the toxic convergence of four distinct dangers:

the nuclear threat; the genocidal incitement threat; statesponsored terrorism; and the systematic and widespread violations of the rights of the Iranian people.

Let there be no mistake, Iran is in standing violation of international legal prohibitions against the development of nuclear weapons; Iran has already committed the crime of incitement to genocide prohibited under the Genocide Convention; Iran is a leading state-sponsor of international terrorism; and Iran is engaged in widespread and systematic violations of the rights of its people.

Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon has announced that Canada will impose new sanctions on Iran in the implementation of the recent UN Security Council Resolution. Further, he echoed Prime Minister Stephen Harper's statement from February that Canada would use its G8 presidency to "maintain pressure on Iran." While these actions are certainly welcome, they do not go nearly far enough in terms of what Canada — and other G8 countries–must do to combat the Iranian threat. Indeed, the two paragraphs of the G8 closing statement referencing Iran both underestimated the threat and while being devoid of any call to combat it.

Moreover, the G8 declaration and the Foreign Affairs announcement focused primarily on the Iranian regime's pursuit of nuclear weapons. A nuclear Iran poses a serious danger; however, it is only one constituent in the Iranian four-fold threat, and to overlook the others is to run the risk of sanitizing these threats and undercutting the case for sanctions.

Even in regards to the nuclear threat alone, the Canadian response is tepid where it should be robust. For example, the government should invoke and apply the Special Economic Measures Act (SEMA), which authorizes the Canadian government of Canada to impose economic sanctions and regulations against a foreign state if "a grave breach of international peace and security has occurred that has resulted or is likely to result in a serious international crisis." Yet, to date, the government of Canada has only designated Zimbabwe and Burma under SEMA, even though Ahmadinejad's Iran constitutes a greater global threat to international peace and security "that has resulted in a serious international crisis."

In the matter of statesponsored terror, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has emerged as the epicentre of the four-fold threat, including state-sponsorship of terrorism abroad and massive repression at home, while bearing responsibility for the murder of political dissidents both outside and within Iran. Indeed, a former head of the IRGC was named by Argentina's judiciary as being responsible for the planning and perpetration of the greatest terrorist atrocity in Argentina since the Second World War, the bombing of the Jewish Community Center in 1994, and is now subject to an INTERPOL arrest warrant. Canada should augment and enhance the sanctions of the recent UN Security Council Resolutions, including prohibiting transactions with the IRGC and its designated agents and entities, freezing their assets, imposing travel bans against designated individuals and joining Argentina in enforcing the INTERPOL arrest warrant.

In the matter of human rights, the widespread and systematic violations of the rights of the Iranian people, include: beatings, execution, killing, torture and other inhumane treatment of Iranians; the imprisonment of the Baha'i leadership and the assault on this targeted minority; the exclusion of, and discrimination against, religious and ethnic minorities generally; the persistent and pervasive assault on women's rights; the murder of political dissidents; the assault on freedom of speech, assembly and association and the imprisonment of more journalists than any other country in the world; the crackdown against cyber dissidents; the assault on labour rights; the wanton imposition of a death penalty, including the execution of more juveniles than any other country in the world; the denial of gay/lesbian rights–the whole overladen with show trials and coerced confessions and constitutive of crimes against humanity under international law.

While Canada has co-sponsored the annual UN General Assembly Resolution on human rights violations in Iran, it must now also sanction the violators. Moreover, the Canadian government should terminate all contracts with any companies that facilitate domestic repression or interdict free communication with Iran, and prohibit any such contracts in the future while continuing to use multilateral interventions to keep the massive human rights abuses in Iran on the international agenda.

In the matter of the Iranian state-sanctioned incitement to genocide, while the Canadian government has condemned the incendiary and inflammatory calls for "the annihilation of the Jewish State," it has yet to invoke the panoply of mandated legal remedies under the Genocide Convention to hold Ahmadinejad's Iran to account.

Indeed, Canada and the G8 countries are all State Parties to the Genocide Convention and therefore such legal remedies are not just policy options; they are international legal obligations of the first order. Accordingly, Canada, pursuant to Article 8 of the Genocide Convention, should refer this genocidal incitement to the UN Security Council for accountability and sanction. Or, Canada could take the lead and initiate an inter-state complaint against Iran, also a State Party to the Genocide Convention, before the International Court of Justice. It could call upon the UN Secretary-General to refer the situation in Iran to the UN Security Council as one threatening international peace and security, pursuant to Article 99 of the UN Charter. It is shocking to appreciate that not one State Party has undertaken its legal responsibilities as mandated under international law to prevent and combat such incitement, particularly with regard to the historical lessons dramatized in the genocides of Srebrenica and Rwanda of such state-sanctioned cultures of hate.

In sum, there is much work left for Canada and the international community acting in solidarity with the people of Iran who struggle against the brutality of Ahmadinejad's regime. Yet, as regards both principle and policy, Canada's and the G8's discourse and action have been selectively focused on the nuclear threat to the exclusion of the other threats. It is time for the alarm to be sounded and the international community to act in recognition of this critical mass of threat.

-Irwin Cotler is a member of parliament and former minister of justice and attorney general of Canada. He is a professor of law emeritus at McGill University and chairs the Responsibility to Prevent Coalition, a group seeking to hold Ahmadinejad's Iran to account.

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