House Intelligence Chairman: Nuclear deal paves way for Iranian bomb


The chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee says the Iran nuclear deal reached in Vienna Tuesday will secure Tehran’s pathway to a bomb and add to its capability to terrorize the West and the Middle East.

Representative Devin Nunes said Tuesday in a statement: “I don’t know what information the Obama administration possesses that indicates this deal will actually prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon or will cause the mullahs to reduce their support for worldwide terrorism, but it sure isn’t the same intelligence we’re seeing in the Intelligence Committee.”

He said. “Iran has killed hundreds of U.S. soldiers, tried to conduct a terrorist attack in the United States, and is committed to annihilating Israel. This deal will guarantee Iran the capability to carry out its clear intent.”

U.S. Senator John McCain, Chairman of U.S. Senate’s Armed Services Committee said in a statement on Tuesday: “I fear, is that this agreement will strengthen Iran’s ability to acquire conventional weapons and ballistic missiles, while retaining an industrial scale nuclear program, without any basic change to its malign activities in the Middle East.”

“Ultimately, the problem with this agreement is that it is built far too much on hope – on the belief that somehow the Iranian government will fundamentally change in the next several years, such that it can be trusted with a growing arsenal, a huge influx of cash, and the infrastructure of a nuclear program.”

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