Gordon Brown condemns Iranian regime’s missile test

Source: Website of British Foreign & Commonwealth office
The Prime Minister has condemned Iran's latest missile test and warned it faced tougher sanctions.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown discussed the latest test of Iran's Sejil Ballistic Missile when he met UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at climate change talks in Copenhagen.

Gordon Brown said:

'I have expressed to him and he has also expressed concern about the test of a long-range missile by Iran.

This is a matter of serious concern to the international community and it does make the case for us moving further on sanctions.

We will treat this with the seriousness it deserves.'

On 27 November the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors passed a Resolution calling for Iran to comply with United Nations Security Council Resolutions and cooperate with the IAEA.

This latest test does not contribute to the rebuilding of confidence and is the wrong signal to send when the international community is trying to find a diplomatic solution.

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