Germany Tells Iran Regime to “Stop and Reverse” All Violations of Nuclear Deal

Germany Tells Iran to “Stop and Reverse” All Violations of Nuclear Deal

Germany says it is “extremely concerned” about the Iranian regime’s announcement that it will break the limit on uranium enrichment set by the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

The German foreign ministry said in a statement Sunday that it is awaiting further information from the U.N. atomic watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, after Iranian regime officials announced Tehran is ramping up the level of uranium enrichment beyond the 3.67% permitted under the deal.

Earlier this month, the Iranian regime increased its stockpile of low-enriched uranium beyond the cap set by the deal.

“We strongly urge Iran to stop and reverse all activities inconsistent with its commitments under the JCPoA,” the Foreign Ministry said.

It said it is in contact with remaining parties to the deal regarding the next steps to try keep Iran within its terms.

The Iranian regime said on Sunday it is fully prepared to enrich uranium at any level and with any amount, in further violation of the nuclear deal.

In a news conference broadcast live, senior regime officials said Tehran would keep reducing its commitments every 60 days unless signatories of the pact moved to protect it from U.S. sanctions.

The Iranian regime’s President Hassan Rouhani declared last Wednesday, July 3, that as of July 7 the regime will increase its enrichment of uranium to any amount it wants and will recommence activities at its heavy water reactor in Arak.

Commenting on Rouhani’s announcement, the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) Mohammad Mohaddessin said: “The events of recent days and Rouhani’s announcement today show clearly that the mullahs’ regime never abandoned its nuclear weapons projects and it is trying to find an opportunity to pursue it once again. As the Iranian Resistance has repeatedly stated, the regime must not be allowed to carry out any uranium enrichment and its nuclear projects must be entirely dismantled.”

Based in part on wire reports

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