German foreign minister: Extended Iran nuclear talks may be ‘last chance



Germany’s Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier warned on Saturday the four months extension to nuclear negotiations between the West and the Iranian regime may be the last chance to reach a peaceful solution.

“These few months until November could be the last and best chance for a long time to end the nuclear argument peacefully,” Steinmeier, who is traveling in Mexico, said in a statement.

 “It is clear the negotiations cannot be continued endlessly. In the time until the common action plan expires, Iran must show it is willing to dispel all doubts about the peaceful nature of its nuclear program.

“U.S. officials said that most sanctions against the Iranian regime would remain in place during the extended talks.
“Iran will not get any more money during these four months than it did during the last six months, and the vast majority of its frozen oil revenues will remain inaccessible,” U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said in a statement.

“We will continue to vigorously enforce the sanctions that remain in place,” he added.
The clerical regime’s refraining from accepting a comprehensive agreement is an indicative of the regime’s strategic impasse and its fear of the devastating consequences of giving up its nuclear projects.

The mullahs in Iran has constantly used negotiations as a stalling tactic. Stalling and non-ending haggling in negotiations of attrition is the routine for the mullahs who realize no language but the language of firmness and strength

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