French public believes Iran wants nukes: poll

Agence France Presse – An overwhelming majority of French people suspect Iran wants a nuclear weapon and supports sanctions, according to a poll reported in le Parisien newspaper Sunday.

The research — conducted by the French public opinion poll institute SOFRES for the Representative Council of Jewish Organisations in France (CRIF) — found that 81 percent of respondents said they thought the Iranian leadership intended to build a nuclear weapon.


Only seven percent said they believe Tehran’s claim that it does not want a nuclear weapon. The remaining two percent did not declare an opinion.

Asked "are you in favour or not in favour of the UN taking sanctions against Iran?" 79 percent said they were in favour and 12 percent said they were against.

Eighty percent of those questioned said they took seriously the threat by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad to "wipe Israel from the map", while 42 percent took it "very seriously" and 38 percent "rather seriously".

A thousand people over the age of 18 were polled according to a quota system on November 8 and 9.


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