French FM calls for tougher UN resolution on Iran

Agence France Presse – French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy said Wednesday a tougher UN resolution should be drafted on Iran in a bid to halt its uranium enrichment programme in line with international demands.

"It is now necessary to write a new resolution with our European, Russian and American colleagues and this resolution should go a little further than the one we adopted unanimously on December 23," he said.

"It is only in that way that the unity and firmness of the international community will allow the creation of a real debate in Iran about the policies of President (Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad," he said at a joint press conference alongside his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov.

The minister was speaking in Moscow after attending a meeting of a Franco-Russian cooperation council for security issues.

Ahmadinejad’s last diplomatic gambit was an offer this week to suspend uranium enrichment — a process that can be used to make nuclear weapons — only if other nuclear nations did the same.

The idea was rejected out of hand by the United States, which along with other countries accuses Tehran of using its nuclear energy programme to secretly develop nuclear weapons.

Tehran denies this, saying it is only pursuing nuclear energy.

World powers unanimously passed a resolution in December imposing limited sanctions on Iran over its failure to suspend uranium enrichment and cooperate with UN nuclear inspectors.

It warned that further sanctions could be imposed if the UN atomic watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), was unable to confirm Tehran’s compliance within 60 days.

IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei is due to report to the Security Council by Friday and is widely expected to confirm that Iran is pushing ahead with enrichment in defiance of the international community.


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