France urges firm, unified response to Iran’s nuclear activities

The Associated Press – France’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday urged a firm, unified response if the U.N. nuclear watchdog finds that Iran defied international demands — again — to suspend uranium enrichment.

The International Atomic Energy Agency was to issue a report later Thursday on Iran’s nuclear activities. It is expected to say that Iran expanded enrichment efforts instead of freezing them, which could trigger tougher U.N. sanctions.

"If the IAEA report shows that Iran has not conformed to the demands of the international community, we will insist … on the need to pursue the path of firmness and preserve the unity of the international community," Foreign Ministry spokesman Denis Simonneau told an online news conference.

French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy made similar comments Wednesday after talks with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Moscow. Lavrov, however, placed less emphasis on the need to be firm with Iran, suggesting the U.N. Security Council could face further wrangling over what steps to take next on Iran.

Simonneau insisted Thursday that the talks in Moscow produced a "convergence on our approach, combining unity and firmness."

He said French authorities are cooperating closely with all partners, including the Americans and Russians.

"We are taking care to maintain the unity of the international community, which is showing its effectiveness," he said.

Although any IAEA finding that Iran has ignored the deadline on enrichment would be a step toward additional sanctions, it was not clear whether Security Council members Russia and China would go along.

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