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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsExpert: Congress should block Iran nuclear deal

Expert: Congress should block Iran nuclear deal

 Centrifuges at the Natanz nuclear facility

U.S. Congress should refuse to lift sanctions on the Iranian regime, thereby blocking implementation of a deal that would provide the regime in Tehran with billions of dollars to pursue nuclear weapons and regional hegemony, a nuclear proliferation prevention expert has announced.

Alan J. Kuperman, an associate professor and the coordinator of the Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Project at the University of Texas at Austin warned “Showering Iran with rewards for making illusory concessions poses grave risks. It would entrench the ruling mullahs, who could claim credit for Iran’s economic resurgence. The extra resources would also enable Iran to amplify the havoc it is fostering in neighboring countries like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.”

Kuperman said in an opinion piece published in The New York Times: “Lifting sanctions would facilitate a huge expansion of Iran’s nuclear program. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, says that he wants 190,000 centrifuges eventually, or 10 times the current amount, as would appear to be permissible under the deal after just 10 years. Such enormous enrichment capacity would shrink the breakout time to mere days, so that Iran could produce enough weapons-grade uranium for a bomb before we even knew it was trying — thus eliminating any hope of our taking preventive action.”

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