EU grapples with double bind over Iran as capture of Britons adds to nuclear standoff

The Associated Press, 30 March (Excerpts) – European Union foreign ministers grappled on Saturday with a double bind over Iran: the drawn-out crisis over the country’s nuclear enrichment program, complicated by Tehran’s week-old seizure of 15 British sailors and marines.

The ministers debated a renewed offer from six world powers to talk with Tehran about its nuclear ambitions that EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana made in a telephone conversation this week with Ali Larijani, Tehran’s top nuclear negotiator…

Meeting in Bremen Friday, the EU foreign ministers demanded the crew’s immediate and unconditional release, warning of "appropriate measures" if Tehran does not comply with the demand…

An exiled Iranian opposition group claimed that Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had ordered their abduction by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.

A statement by Mohammad Mohaddessin, who handles foreign affairs for the National Council of Resistance of Iran, said the clerical government "has turned hostage-taking and blackmail a lucrative business and an instrument of its foreign policy."

It was not possible to independently verify Mohaddessin’s claim, but the group has provided relatively accurate information on developments in Iran over the past several years, including details on the country’s secretive nuclear program…

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