EU encourages Iranian regime to comply with its international obligations

European Union


Statement by EU: “Iran's nuclear programme remains a matter of grave concern for the international community, since if Iran were to acquire a military nuclear capability, this would constitute an unacceptable threat to security, both regional and international. Iran must restore confidence in an exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear activities. The EU encourages Iran to comply with its international obligations.”

Text of statement by Council of the European Union

Council conclusions on Iran
2938th GE
ERAL AFFAIRS Council meeting
Luxembourg, 27 April 2009

The Council adopted the following conclusions:

"The EU reaffirms its full and unequivocal support for efforts to find a negotiated long-term solution to the Iranian nuclear issue within the framework of UNSCR 1696, 1737, 1747, 1803 and 1835 and its support for the dual-track process.

The EU warmly supports the new direction of US policy towards Iran, which opens a window of opportunity for negotiations on all aspects of Iran's nuclear programme and more broadly for engagement with Iran. The EU welcomes the decision of the US to participate fully in the negotiations together with China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation and the UK supported by the High Representative and join in any future meetings with representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The EU welcomes the efforts by the High Representative Javier Solana, on behalf of the EU and the international community, in view of facilitating the resumption of the negotiating
process, in line with the package proposals for cooperation with Iran.

The EU calls upon Iran to seize this opportunity to engage seriously with the international
community in a spirit of mutual respect, in order to find a negotiated solution to the nuclear issue which will address Iran's interests, including the development of a civil nuclear power generation programme, as well as the international community's concerns.  The evolution of our relations with Iran will also depend on it.

Iran's nuclear programme remains a matter of grave concern for the international community, since if Iran were to acquire a military nuclear capability, this would constitute an unacceptable threat to security, both regional and international. Iran must restore confidence in an exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear activities. The EU encourages Iran to comply with its international obligations."

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