EDITORIAL: A Message to the EU From the People of Iran

A Message to the EU From the People of Iran

Several thousand Iranians, supporters of the opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or Mujahedin-e Khalq, MEK), marched Saturday, June 15, in Brussels, the first such event in a series of massive Iranian marches around the world. The rallies are demonstrating the challenge the regime faces vis-a-vis the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which is ready to overthrow the regime and represents a viable democratic alternative. The next rally will be held in Washington D.C. on June 21.

The marches focus on expressing solidarity with the anti-government protests and strikes that are ongoing inside Iran despite brutal oppression. They echo the cry of the Iranian people for the downfall of the regime and the establishment of democracy and human rights.

These marches are being held while the regime faces an explosive society urging its downfall. Unlike in the past, there are no signs of the appeasement policy in the U.S. to help the regime at this critical juncture. These crises have brought the regime’s internal conflicts to their highest levels, between President Hassan Rouhani and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. All these indicate the regime is in its final phase.

NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee chair Mohammad Mohaddessin told journalists in Brussels that the mullahs’ regime planned and executed the recent attack on oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman. In fact, the attacks by the regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) on the two tankers was undertaken on the orders of Khamenei. They were planned and executed by IRGC Brigadier General Ali Fadavi, second in command of the IRGC, who until recently was commander of the IRGC Navy. Fadavi was the mastermind behind the capture and hostage-taking of US sailors in January 2016, for which he received the highest military decoration from Khamenei. The explosions on the tankers were done by special units of the IRGC Navy in coordination with the IRGC’s sea station in Port Jask named Emamat.

Those who try to whitewash such war crimes by Iran’s regime by creating doubts about the latter’s responsibility are either accomplices or deceived.

The attack on the two tankers showed once more that the mullahs’ regime would not last without internal repression and export of terrorism and warmongering.

The fact that the tanker attacks coincided with the meeting between Khamenei and the Japanese Prime Minister two days after a meeting between the Germany’s Foreign Minister and Rouhani show that diplomacy and appeasement are of no use with this terrorist regime. This regime only understands the language of force.

Regime change by the Iranian people and Resistance and the establishment of a democratic, popular government in Iran is a prerequisite for peace and tranquility in the region. As long as this regime stays in power, crisis and war will continue.

That’s why in her video address to the Brussels rally, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, urged the European Union to impose comprehensive sanctions on the theocratic regime ruling Iran and to designate the IRGC and the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) as terrorist entities.

Pointing to the recent terrorist activities of the mullahs on European soil, Mrs Rajavi affirmed that the regime’s mercenaries must be tried, punished and expelled from Europe.

Mrs. Rajavi further said that the regime’s leaders must face justice in an international tribunal and account for their crimes against the people of Iran and particularly for the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988.

These are steps that Europe should take to distance itself from a decaying dictatorship that’s bound to be overthrown by the Iranian people.

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