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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsDempsey: Iran may use sanction relief for its proxies

Dempsey: Iran may use sanction relief for its proxies


General Martin Dempsey, the U.S.’s most senior military officer, said on Tuesday that if a nuclear deal between the Iranian regime and the world powers was reached that led to sanctions relief for the regime, it would likely spend newfound resources on its military and its surrogate groups in the region.

Dempsey told a small group of reporters in Jerusalem that Washington would work to mitigate Iran-related risks, with or without a deal.

Meanwhile, according to an article published on Tuesday in Bloomberg View, expert research shows that Iran has spent between $14 and $15 billion in military and economic aid to the Damascus regime in 2012 and 2013 even though Iran’s banks and businesses were cut off from the international financial system.

Many members of Congress and U.S. allies in the region have raised concern that Iran would see a windfall of cash if it signed a nuclear deal this summer.

President Barack Obama has said there is at least $150 billion worth of Iranian money being held in overseas banks as part of the crippling sanctions.

Experts say that if the Iranian regime spends billions of its limited resources today to support its proxies in the Middle East, it would likely spend even more if sanctions were lifted.

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