Clerical regime’s chemical and biological weapons program

Clerical regime’s chemical and biological weapons program
Compiled in August 2002

This information was obtained by the Command Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization inside Iran, and was compiled and provided to the press by the National Council of Resistance of Iran.
The clerical regime has been pursuing an extensive program in the area of chemical and biological weapon production at full steam over the years and has recruited many experts from several countries in its drive to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

1- In the past; as on January 26, 1999, in Washington DC, the Iranian Resistance has disclosed the mullahs’ regime’s activities in the field of chemical and biological warfare and has emphasized that Tehran’s production and research for biological warfare is concurrently implemented in four different organs:

Special Industries of the Defense Ministry

The Research Center of the construction Crusade organization, which has four affiliated research firms in the cities of Isfahan, Shiraz, Tabriz, and Mashad.

Imam Hossein University of Revolutionary Guards Corps, in Tehran

Center for biological research under the control of Iran’s Organization for Scientific and Technological Research.

2- One of Khatami’s advisory groups, affiliated with the office of the President, called the Science and Technology Group, has the task of supervision and management of research centers for Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and has recruited many experts from China, North-Korea, and Russia. This group purchases its needs from European countries under the pretext of research and duel-use technologies. After the installment of biological warheads over ballistic missiles, it was made certain that the mullahs have turned Iran into a country with highest production and storage level of biological weapons in this part of the world.

3- Since 1999, the chemical offense 24th Bessat Brigade of the GC has been re-established in a much larger scale.

This brigade which was dissolved in the fall of 1990 had used chemical bombs and shells with chemical heads in its Artillery units during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s.

The headquarter of this brigade is in a military barrack base in the city of Boroujerd in Lorestan Province. This brigade held a training camp for its personnel in June of this year.

The personnel of this brigade have been briefed that due to the current regional situation and sensitivity over WMD, they should refrain from mentioning the unit’s complete name and only refer to it as the 24 Bessat unit. The same consideration is applies to all GC publications.

4- Tehran has stored a significant amount of lethal nerve gas agents such as TABOON, SARIN, SOUMAN, in liquid, vapor, and powder form- which if released in the atmosphere, could cause death in a matter of a few minutes. Cyanide, PHOSGEN, Tri-glycol, Sodium Cyanide are produced or imported for chemical and biological weapons as well.

5- The Organization of Special Industry, run by the Defense Ministry, is one of the agencies involved in producing chemical weapons. This agency which has some 4,000 employees has a chemical laboratory named VIRA, as well as a chemical material storage known as Shahid Meisam, located in the Tehran-Karaj highway.

6- The Parchin Chemical Industries, associated with the Defense Ministry and located in Varamin, south of Tehran, is another center of chemical and biological weapons of the mullahs’ regime. It includes storage and glass body equipment to produce lethal gas. Much of the equipment here were old and corroded, but have been repaired by their Hungarian manufacturer, Lampert and are back in the production line.

7- Imam Hossein University of the Guards Corps, located in northern Tehran, which is involved in chemical and biological technology, has used its scholarship students in western countries to spy on this technology. One of the projects pursued at this university is to build a fermentor.

8- The center for chemical research and chemical engineering located 14 kilometers west of Tehran, near the Tehran-Karaj highway, is used for a joint research and technological study of the Revolutionary Guards, Defense Ministry, and the Engineering Center of the Ministry of Construction Crusade. The Chinese experts are supervising the research.

9- Our reports, received from inside Iran, indicate that another complex near the city of Semnan is engaged in producing nerve gas. The produced chemicals are then transferred to a facility near the city of Isfahan, which is used to adjust, enhance, and boost the range of missiles (including Scud-B missiles).

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