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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsClassified Documents Show Iranian Regime Giving Away Land to Atomic Energy Organization

Classified Documents Show Iranian Regime Giving Away Land to Atomic Energy Organization

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The government of Ebrahim Raisi in Iran has granted 190 hectares of public land in Khorramshahr, Khuzestan province, to the Atomic Energy Organization of the regime, according to a new batch of classified documents released by “GhyamSarnegouni,” a group of dissidents that breached the servers of the regime’s presidency organization in May.

The correspondence within these documents highlights a dispute among various unidentified parties. As a result, a meeting is requested to determine and discuss the rationale behind the Atomic Energy Organization’s eligibility to receive the land. In response, the organization in question provides meeting minutes, demonstrating the support of local officials to proceed with the deal.

These documents shed light on the allocation of public land and the discussions surrounding it, revealing the lengths to which the Raisi administration is willing to go to facilitate and advance the regime’s nuclear projects.

The letters and their English translation follow:

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Islamic Republic of Iran
Number: 02/1196/M 60773
Date: April 4, 2023
Office of the Cabinet Board (Confidential)

Dear Mr. Eslami, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran

Pursuant to Letter No. 01/67872/M/60773 dated March 12, 2023, regarding the issuance of a license for the transfer of (190) hectares of land, registered under plate (34) of the main (7) located in section (8) of Khorramshahr city, Khuzestan province, to the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, please review and provide the minutes of the meeting of the Dispute Resolution Commission, concerning clause (54) of the barriers act and the improvement of the country’s financial system, numbered 12/14/738 dated July 22, 2020, please review and submit the results to the office of this commission to determine the conclusion of the case.

Hassan Moradi, Secretary of the Legal and Judicial Commission


The Honorable Ministers of Jihad, Agriculture, Roads, and Urban Development, please refer to the above-mentioned letter for summons and necessary action
Honorable Legal Deputy of the President, following letter No. 1/51954 0/M 60773 dated 12-28-2022 for summons and order for necessary action
Honorable Governor of Khuzestan following the above-mentioned letter for summons
Office of the Legal and Judicial Commission of the Government Board

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Ministry of Agricultural Jihad,
Khuzestan Province Agricultural Jihad Organization
Number: 12/14/738
Date: 7-22-2020

Minutes of the meeting of the Dispute Resolution Commission, in accordance with Article 3 of the Executive Regulations of Article 54 of the Removing Barriers to Production Law… (based on the determination of the dispute) on July 18, 2020, the Dispute Resolution Commission, in accordance with Article 3 of the Implementation Regulations of Article 54 of the Removing Barriers to Production Law and implementation of parallel regulations regarding the interference of parallel regulations in the sub-registration plate of the seventh auxiliary road known as Aliabadi Village, Shadgan County, based on worksheet number 2, subject to paragraph 3 Article 2 of the regulations… the conflict has been established. Following the review of executive records and documents sent from the working group of the county, the disputes regarding the Implementation of Parallel Provisions, and out of a total of 1240.0870 hectares of the total area of the property, the number of hectares of national lands and the amount of 1240.0870 hectares of non-national lands (governmental and private) are recognized and approved.

Approval of Dispute Resolution Commission Members:

  • Head of Provincial Agricultural Jihad Organization- Khodarahm Amirizadeh
  • Director General of Register of Documents and Properties of Khuzestan Province – Ali Afshin
  • Director General of Natural Resources and Watershed Management of Khuzestan Province – Kurosh Kiani
  • General Manager of Economic Affairs and Finance of Khuzestan Province – Mohsen Kaviani
  • Director of Land Affairs of Khuzestan Province Agricultural Jihad Organization – Mohammadreza Mian Ab
  • Deputy of Land Protection Affairs of the General Department of Natural Resources and Watershed Management of Khuzestan Province – Abdul-Karim Najlvand
  • Elected legal expert of the Head of the Agricultural Jihad Organization of Khuzestan Province – Maryam Toubi