Chairman Royce: Iran regime’s nuclear negotiators emboldened by concession


U.S. Representative Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee said in a statement Monday that the Iranian regime’s negotiators have clearly been emboldened by the Administration’s concessions to the extent that the regime is now pushing for the United Nations’ arms embargo on to be completely lifted as part of a final nuclear agreement.

Chairman Royce made the remarks after reports surfaced that Tehran is now pushing for the United Nations’ arms embargo on the Iranian regime to be completely lifted as part of a final nuclear agreement.

The Iranian regime is under a UN arms embargo that seeks to prevent Tehran regime from aiding and arming its allies and surrogates in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and elsewhere in the region.

A dispute over U.N. sanctions on Iran’s ballistic missile program and a broader arms embargo were among issues holding up a nuclear deal between Tehran and six world powers on Monday

“The Iranians want the ballistic missile sanctions lifted. They say there is no reason to connect it with the nuclear issue, a view that is difficult to accept,” one Western official told Reuters.

Chairman Royce said in the statement: “With tens of billions of sanctions-relief cash likely coming, Iran now wants free reign to arm Hezbollah terrorists, assist Assad in Syria, and aid Houthi rebels in Yemen. Tehran is seeking to negotiate a license to kill. The Supreme Leader’s negotiators have clearly been emboldened by the Administration’s concessions across the board. I can only hope that this is one line that U.S. negotiators aren’t willing to erase.”



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