Britain Extremely Concerned About Iran Regime’s Move on Nuclear Deal

Britain Extremely Concerned About Iran Regime's Move on Nuclear Deal

Britain said on Wednesday it was extremely concerned about the Iranian regime’s announcement that it is scaling back curbs to its nuclear program and said that Tehran would face consequences if it backed away from its nuclear deal, Reuters reported.

“We are extremely concerned about this announcement and urge Iran to continue to meet its commitments under the deal and not to take escalatory steps,” Prime Minister Theresa May’s spokesman said.

“This deal is a crucial agreement which makes the world safer and we will ensure it remains in place for as long as Iran upholds these commitments.”

U.S. Secretary Mike Pompeo is having meetings with May and Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt on Wednesday, where the move from the Iranian regime is expected to be discussed.

Junior foreign office minister Mark Field told Britain’s parliament that the announcement by the regime’s President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday was an “unwelcome step.”

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