Bonn rally called for UN sanctions on Iran regime

NCRI – Iranians chanting “Ahmadinejad is a terrorist, down with terrorist” rallied in central Bonn on Wednesday, December 28. Supporters of the Iranian Resistance coming from surrounding areas to Bonn carried banners calling for referral of the Iranian regime’s nuclear file to the UN Security Council for adoption of oil sanctions.
The event was held in conjunction with similar moves in other parts of Germany and European countries to express abhorrence to mullahs’ regime and its new terrorist threats to the region and world over which were voiced out by its president, Ahmadinejad, in his recent remarks.
Mullahs’ meddling in Iraq, particularly in its December parliamentary elections, were strongly condemned by protesters. Spokesman to the rally told the press that the regime in Iran wanted to establish another fundamentalist state in Iraq as part of its plan to build an Islamic empire. He emphasized that the regime’s nuclear ambitions could be explained within this context as it is pressing for it so forcefully.  
The rally in Bonn also condemned mullahs’ conspiracies against Camp Ashraf in Iraq where thousands of members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran reside. As a major obstacle to its Islamic fundamentalist expansion to Iraq, the regime has been trying to neutralize its main opposition through various means. In Iraq it has resorted to terrorist activities and to justify its terrorism against the opposition it has sought the help of Western powers. It has been to this end that the PMOI has been kept in the EU’s terror list as part of a package of incentives to the regime, said the spokesman.
The banners carried by the participants also condemned human rights violations in Iran and called for an end to the EU’s policy of appeasement. Some banners gave support to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s third option for democratic change in Iran rejecting the options of external war or pinning hopes on fictitious moderates within the fundamentalist regime to bring about changes.
The rally received widespread support from German public who are disgusted by Ahmadinejad’s recent proposals for Israel and Germany.

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