Bahrain says Iran wants the bomb

London (AFP) – Bahrain’s crown prince has claimed that Iran is developing atomic weapons or the capability to do so, British press reports said on Friday, the first time an Arab state in the Gulf has openly accused Tehran of lying about its controversial nuclear drive.

In interviews with correspondents for British newspapers in the capital Manama, Sheikh Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifa also urged a diplomatic solution to the standoff between the West and Bahrain’s close neighbour.

"While they don’t have the bomb yet, they are developing it, or the capability for it," the crown prince said, warning that "the whole region" would be drawn into any military conflict.
"There needs to be far more done on the diplomatic front," he added, according to The Times. "There’s still time to talk."
"We need to be very well aware that this could escalate. And we think that is not advisable," The Daily Telegraph quoted him as saying.
Bahrain is a Sunni Muslim-ruled dynasty with a population that is 60 per cent Shiite, the same branch of Islam that dominates in Iran.
"I want to see the region being fully consulted," The Independent quoted the crown prince as saying. "We were not fully consulted when the Iraqi regime was removed.
"Iran is an even bigger issue… We want to be part of any arrangement that deals with Iran. We don’t want to wake up one day and suddenly find our skies darken and sirens blaring on every street."

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