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A Feckless West Has Chosen To Ignore Tehran’s Actions and Words About the Bomb


Since the regime ruling over Iran was caught in the act when the Iranian Resistance exposed its clandestine nuclear weapon program on August 14, 2002, the world had no excuse to turn a blind eye to the next global menace in waiting. Even though the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) had made the first of these revelations in the early 1990s, it took the International Atomic Energy Agency another decade to take action.

Throughout the last three decades, a network of brave people inside Iran, even among the regime’s ranks or the most sensitive decision-making centers, risked their lives to collect and provide the organized resistance group, the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MEK/PMOI) with intelligence, which was critical in enabling the most lethal dictator in Iran’s history and the biggest state sponsor of global terrorism to acquire the deadliest weapons of mass destruction.

Through its offices in Europe and North America, the NCRI publicly shared the information with the world, even though some particular parties insisted to ignore or even question the regime about the findings.

Unlike the decision-makers in Tehran, their counterparts with veto power in the United Nations Security Council didn’t seem to have the same determination. Since 2002, the regime has continued to drag its feet and stonewall the negotiations, while the P5+1 kept coming up with new initiatives and goodwill gestures.

The NCRI also continued to warn the world about Tehran’s deception tactics. On September 10, 2004, at a press conference in Paris, the NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Mohammad Mohaddessin revealed information about a secret meeting at the highest levels of the regime, where Khamenei appointed a team run by Hassan Rouhani with the task of deceiving the international community and preventing disclosures until they achieve the necessary nuclear technology for a bomb.

On December 2, 2015, The NCRI disclosed the Iranian regime’s secret committee deceived IAEA on the PMD Probe.

But the world didn’t need NCRI’s word for that. The regime’s officials have stated many times how they have deceived the international community over the nuclear dossier.

In an interview with the state-run TV channel 4 on January 2019, Ali Akbar Salehi, former head of the Iranian regime’s Atomic Energy Organization acknowledged that he had lied about the Arak site and had hidden, upon Khamenei’s order, some of the prohibited equipment they had bought.

Iran's cheating in nuclear deal & deceptive measures on cementing the Arak heavy water reactor

In 2002, Ali Akbar Salehi also admitted the regime’s deception during the negotiations.

Iran’s Head of Atomic Energy Organization admits to cheating in nuclear negotiations

In a book titled ‘National Security and Nuclear Diplomacy’, former president Hassan Rouhani wrote: “Iran intended to present the world ‘with a fait accompli’, and run 54,000 centrifuges by March 2003, and produce 30 tons of 3.5 percent fuel annually. However, the hypocrites (the pejorative term used to describe the MEK) suddenly launched a press conference and exposed the sites of Natanz and Arak and made a lot of noise by making insubstantial allegations.”

In 2006, Rouhani admitted how Teheran played for time and tried to dupe the West after its secret nuclear program was uncovered by the Iranian opposition in 2002.

In 2013, while debating on state-run TV Channel 3, Ali Bagheri Kani claimed that Tehran’s persistence had forced the United States to walk back its demands. He said: “Once, the Americans would say that they won’t enter the negotiations until Iran suspends (uranium enrichment). But then they were forced to retreat and despite our refusal to suspend, they did enter the negotiations. Also, they argued that they won’t discuss sanctions (relief) if we do not suspend enrichment. Again, they were forced to do it anyway. They had a set of retreats until the Almaty 1 session.”

“During those years, a good portion of time, we wanted to disrupt our adversaries’ assessment,” Bagheri Kani told Ofogh TV in 2019. “To make this happen, we needed more time. We had to show our capabilities in practice so they could see them. The 20% enrichment couldn’t be done overnight. It required some work. Fordow and Arak [nuclear sites] needed some work. So, this required some time to achieve. Therefore, we bought some time. But when they were ready to negotiate a deal, the negotiation process expedited.”

But these were not the only official acknowledgments in Tehran. Others have been more brazen in admitting the real purpose of the nuclear program.

A former deputy speaker of the regime’s parliament (Majlis), Ali Mottahari made a startling revelation in his interview with Iscanews on April 24, 2022.

On February 9, 2021, in a TV interview that was mostly read from a text, Mahmoud Alavi, the regime’s former Minister of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) said the regime might decide to produce the nuclear bomb.

The intelligence minister Mahmoud Alavi talks about Iran nuclear deal & MOIS measures against MEK

On Saturday, November 27, 2021, Fereydoun Abbasi, the former head of the regime’s Atomic Energy Organization, confessed in an interview with a state-run daily “Iran,” that Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the assassinated former head of the regime’s nuclear weapons project, had created a system to produce a nuclear bomb.

Fereydoun Abbasi, former nuclear chief admits that his predecessor Fakhrizadeh was building the bomb

According to the official IRNA news agency on February 9,  2019, Ahmad Khatami, a member of the Assembly of Experts, admitted in a speech in Mashhad: “We have the formula for building an atomic bomb” and “we consider nuclear energy to be vital to us.”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the NCRI President-elect, told the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives in May 2015: “Khamenei’s fatwa on the prohibition of nuclear weapons is a deception. Years ago, former Supreme Leader Khomeini instructed Khamenei that, in the interests of the regime, the Supreme Leader can unilaterally cancel the Sharia contracts he has concluded with the people.”

As the IAEA is heading for the next BoG meeting and while 35 member states aren’t even resolved to condemn three decades of denial, deception, and duplicity, the next global nuclear crisis will weigh on the conscience of those who failed to act in time.

The only way to stop the Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons projects is to reactivate the six UN Security Council resolutions, dismantle the regime’s nuclear sites and enrichment activity altogether, and conduct anytime, anywhere inspections.