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Hamburg Intelligence Agency Cites Iran Regime’s Nuclear Ambitions

Hamburg Intelligence Agency Cites Iran Regime’s Nuclear Ambitions

By Staff Writer

The Hamburg intelligence agency, which forms part of the German intelligence network, has issued a report about the Iranian Regime and its efforts to obtain weapons of mass destruction.

This report contains yet more evidence from another German state that the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers has not helped to curb Iran’s nuclear weapons ambitions, as Chancellor Angela Merkel had hoped.

The 211- page document, released on Thursday, states: “Some of the crisis countries… are still making an effort to obtain products for the manufacture of atomic, biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction (proliferation) and the corresponding missile carrier technology (rocket technology).”

The Hamburg report listed Iran as one of the four biggest areas of proliferation activities, while the other three are countries that are being somewhat controlled by Iran, including Syria, and Pakistan.

This confirms conclusions from other German intelligence reports issued in 2018 by Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse.

The Hesse intelligence agency read: “States like Iran and North Korea attempt, in the context of proliferation, to acquire and spread such weapons by, for example, disguising the transportation ways through third countries.”

Baden-Württemberg wrote: “Iran continued to undertake, as did Pakistan and Syria, efforts to obtain goods and know-how to be used for the development of weapons of mass destruction and to optimize corresponding missile-delivery systems.”

A Hamburg intelligence official wrote: “Iran still constitutes, because of its previous nuclear relevant activities, the focus of Germany in the sector of counter-proliferation.”

The report advised that Iran’s “ambitious” pursuit of nuclear weapons remains “unchanged”.

On July 9, Merkel stated: “[Germany] remains committed to the nuclear agreement. We think it was well-negotiated.”

Although she has not yet publically commented on these reports from her intelligence agencies, they may well cause her to rethink Germany’s commitment to a deal that Iran has broken.

This is especially prudent after German officials arrested an Iranian diplomat from Vienna, Assadollah Assadi, for his role in the attempted bombing of an Iranian Resistance rally on European soil last month. European countries should withdraw their support for countries that plot terrorist attacks on their soil.

The US withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive of Plan of Action (JCPOA) citing that the deal had failed to stop Iran from building a nuclear weapon. They are now imposing strict sanctions on Iran to stop other countries from trading with them.

The Hamburg report cited 48 instances of Iran’s troubling activities from espionage to support for Hezbollah.