NCRI Statement on the declaration of Hassan Rowhani as president

The following statement is the official response of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the National Council of Resistance of Iran on the declaration of Hassan Rowhani as the next President in Iran.

“The Iranian people have clearly spoken against this totalitarian regime and Ali Khamenei by saying no to terrorism, nuclear proliferation, a destroyed economy and global isolation. The Iranian people want freedom, democracy, secularism and jobs. We stand with the Iranian people and demand change.

From the point of view of the Iranian people, Rowhani has been complicit in the regime’s crimes from its beginning and is a part of this regime; introducing him as a “moderate” fools no one.

In order to prevent popular uprising and the repetition of the events of protest in 2009, the regime expeditiously wrapped up this sham election on the first round. In line with its usual practice, the regime multiplied the number of votes by four and five folds, claiming that 72 percent of the eligible voters participated in the voting, in order to cover up its illegitimacy.

NCRI stands by its beliefs in a free and democratic Iran today. Nothing will change in Iran without freedom of expression and equal rights for all. Nothing will change when political prisoners are held against their will, when Ali Khamenei selects candidates loyal to his regime, and activities of political parties are not free. Nothing will change when the regime’s belligerent policies in Syria continue and violence is enacted against Iranians in Iraq. Nothing will change with an Iran that insists on obtaining nuclear weapons. The regime’s leaders are fully aware that any major change in these policies would lead to the overthrow of the regime itself.

NCRI stands by its assertion that the only answer is a regime change. Our organization will continue its tireless efforts to bring about this change in Iran and usher in a new day for our people.

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