Member of Iran’s Coronavirus Task Force: It Is Estimated That 500,000 People in Iran Have Contracted Coronavirus

Coronavirus-Iran,Tehran, Masih Daneshvari Hospital
Coronavirus-Iran,Tehran, Masih Daneshvari Hospital

On Monday, April 6, Hamid Souri, a member of Iran’s Coronavirus National task force, in an interview with the Iranian regime’s official news agency, IRNA, said that over half a million people in Iran have contracted Coronavirus. 

“The initial estimate was that between 30 and 60 percent of the population would be infected with the disease… The current estimate is that about 500,000 people in the country have infected with the coronavirus,” Souri said adding: “but this is not an accurate figure because less-known and milder patients have not been identified yet.”

This member of Iran’s Coronavirus National task force is talking about half a million infections, while the Iranian regime’s official figure is 60,500. The official figure of the Iranian regime for the death account is 3739. Many independent sources have challenged this figure.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) announced this afternoon, April 6, 2020, that Coronavirus has taken the lives of more than 19,500 in 242 cities across Iran.

The sources of MEK for the figure are eyewitnesses in each city and province, MEK Resistance Units, Simaye-Azadi (Resistance) TV reporters, supporters of the MEK and the Iranian Resistance in Iran. These sources have reported the figures to the MEK Social Headquarters inside the country, which has in turn doublechecked and compiled them. Obviously, these figures do not include all the victims nationwide. The actual number for the whole county and all cities and villages is much higher.

Contrary to the lies of regime’s president Hassan Rouhani, Souri, described the situation in Iran as “worrisome”, and warned that the novel coronavirus curve in the provinces of Tehran, Khorasan Razavi, West Azerbaijan, Bushehr, Khuzestan, Kermanshah, and Semnan was moving upwards.

“The coronavirus curve has not flattened in any of the country’s 31 provinces”, Souri told the official news agency.

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