“The Regime Has Rarely Been This Unstable,” Mrs. Rajavi Tells German Paper

In a recent interview with Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, called on the West to adopt a tougher stance against the Iranian regime. According to the German Daily, amidst a severe economic crisis, mass protests, and escalating conflict in the Middle East, the Iranian regime is organizing a sham presidential election on Friday. The ultra-conservative Guardian Council has approved only six candidates, including just one self-proclaimed “reformist,” which Mrs. Rajavi describes as a “sham election.”

Mrs. Rajavi begins by emphasizing the inherent contradiction of elections in a theocracy where the Supreme Leader holds absolute power. She criticizes the regime’s selection of presidential candidates, noting that the death of former president Ebrahim Raisi was a significant strategic blow to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. “Khamenei had invested years in Raisi to secure his succession and the survival of the regime,” she said. The six candidates, five of whom are members or commanders of the Revolutionary Guards and one who was part of the 1988 death committee responsible for the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners, signal a future of increased repression, warmongering, terrorism, and nuclear ambitions.

Mrs. Rajavi asserts that the regime has never been as unstable as it is today, resorting to increasing brutality to cover its inherent weaknesses. “The regime’s social and economic potential is nearly zero, and it lacks public support,” she said. She highlighted the ongoing nationwide uprisings since 2017, rejecting both “hardliners” and “reformists,” and developing into an explosive society with widespread organized resistance.

Despite escalating repression, resistance activities continue to grow. “The rebellious young generation burns regime symbols across the country, while retirees and workers protest and strike. Recently, we observed over 2,000 anti-repression activities by Resistance Units,” Mrs. Rajavi explained. She stressed that the Iranian people and resistance have the capability to overthrow the regime, urging the West to adopt a decisive policy, cut off financial resources to the regime, and not make concessions.

Mrs. Rajavi reiterated her long-standing demand for the EU to list the Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization. She described the IRGC as the main instrument of internal oppression, war-mongering, and exporting terrorism globally. “Most of Iran’s economy and key sectors are controlled by the Guards. Many of their front companies, used to fund terrorist groups, operate outside Iran and have been exposed by the Resistance. Listing the IRGC as terrorists would have severe political and economic consequences for the regime.”

Mrs. Rajavi warned that continued appeasement would enable the regime to acquire nuclear weapons. “No moment should be wasted in reactivating UN Security Council Resolution 2231, which imposes sanctions for violations. Germany can lead this effort,” she said, advocating for the reactivation of all relevant Security Council resolutions and comprehensive sanctions. She underscored the urgency, stating that every day’s delay has fatal consequences, and the ultimate solution is the regime’s abolition by the Iranian people and resistance.

Mrs. Rajavi criticized Germany’s and Europe’s policy of concessions and negotiations, labeling it a failure that only emboldened the regime. She urged them to sever ties with the mullahs completely. “The Iranian people want to end the mullahs’ dictatorship permanently. European leaders should listen to the mass rally in Berlin on June 29. The message from Iranians is clear: ‘Under the religious fascism in Iran, it’s not the time for elections, but for revolution.'”

Mrs. Rajavi addressed the German government’s fear of a power vacuum post-regime change, debunking the narrative that there is no viable democratic alternative for Iran. “This is a false narrative propagated by the regime and its lobbyists. A decisive policy includes listing the Revolutionary Guards as terrorists, holding regime leaders accountable for four decades of crimes against humanity, reimposing UN sanctions, and recognizing the Iranian people’s struggle against the dictatorship.”

Finally, Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that the Iranian Resistance does not rely on foreign intervention. “It’s time to stop the policy of appeasing the regime. The Iranian people and their resistance will overthrow this regime.” She highlighted the need for the West to stop enabling the regime’s survival and support the Iranian people’s quest for freedom and democracy.

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